
This Is What Happens When UNC Makes a Bet With Duke, and the Winner Gets Cookies

“Confidence not cockiness” is how the saying goes, right? For the Spoon UNC Chapter, this is advice we should have considered before taking our bold words to Twitter. On Wednesday, February 17th, the UNC men’s basketball team was defeated by Duke, 74-73, in a shocking, last-second turn of events that no one saw coming.

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Not only did the Spoon UNC members have to deal with the heartbreak of losing to the most disliked college basketball team in the country, but we also now owed the Duke Spoon chapter a batch of cookies.

The last thing any of us wanted to do was drive our sorry, losing asses to Durham so we could fork over a fresh batch of cookies. We went to bed crossing our fingers that maybe they didn’t see tweet…

Shit. Okay they saw, but maybe they wouldn’t actually pursue retrieving them.

Well, okay then. They were pursuing them AND making flavor requests. The loss was already a lot to handle. The wound was still fresh and we couldn’t process what had just happened. Maybe we could hide behind a cozy cyber blanket so that they’d never be able to find us.

Photo by Sara Tane

Damn. They got their hands on a cell phone number and will stop at nothing. *REPORT JUNK*

Photo by Sara Tane

They were demanding, and we are not cheaters, so we couldn’t hide any longer. A deal is a deal, and Duke won fair and square, like they always do. Next, we were faced with the decision of what to make our fellow Spoonies at Dook…

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We immediately considered making them black and white cookies, inspired by the people who just love giving Duke that special advantage, the referees.

Photo courtesy of @sweetkiera

We also reminded ourselves that we need to make cookies that are good for traveling, something Grayson Allen can tell us a thing or two about.

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We decide on sugar cookies with icing, despite their request for chocolate chip. Will they notice if we spit in the batter?

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We made the best out of a sour situation and went ahead and added some decorations to the cookies that we thought our fellow Dookies would appreciate.

We wanted to make them the prettiest cookies possible, and everyone knows that Carolina blue is the better blue.

Looks like they were able to get over the UNC embellishments and enjoy our beautiful Tar Heel cookies.

Photo courtesy of @spoon_duke on Instagram

Well Dook, there ya go. Can’t wait to see you for round 2 at Cameron Indoors on Saturday, March 5th. The bet is still on, and we are hungry for some cookies.

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