
This Is How Many PB&Js You’ll Eat in Your Lifetime

So just a few days ago it was National Peanut Butter and Jelly day. Sounds kind of ridiculous but America’s favorite lunchtime sandwich kind of deserves a national holiday, don’t you think? I have multiple friends whose diets consist entirely of PB&Js.

Hell, a guy in Iowa pulled a knife on his brother for eating too many PB&J sandwiches. (I’m not making this up. You can’t make this shit up.) The brother allegedly ate three PB&Js at once, then the following hour ate a fourth. Don’t see why the knife had to come into play but nevertheless, I’m trying to prove that people LOVE their PB&J.

FUN FACT: It takes about 540 peanuts to make a 12-ounce jar of peanut butter.

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In honor of this holiday, Peter Pan Simply Ground Peanut Butter surveyed 1,000 people across America about the treasured meal and discovered that most Americans will consume 2,984 PB&J sandwiches in their lifetime…and this amount supposedly stacks up to be taller than the Statue of Liberty. Read: PB&J IS THE REAL ICON OF AMERICA.

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FUN FACT: By law, any product labeled “peanut butter” in the United States must be at least 90 percent peanuts.

The survey goes on to disclose that 59 percent are more partial to creamy peanut butter than crunchy, with grape flavored jelly being the most favored pairing.

The study also considered when people are most likely to eat their PB&Js. While 43 percent say it accounts for a great lunchtime meal, more than a quarter of those questioned say it also makes for a tasty snack. Many even labeled it as a comfort food.

FUN FACT:  PB&Js were staples in military rations throughout WWII, and the returning soldiers helped market the sandwich.

Are you a PB&J fanatic? Read on: