Remember Chipotle’s E.coli… incident? As a way to redeem themselves, Chipotle is creating a new rewards program called Chiptopia. No, this isn’t a Chipotle-themed amusement park (though we would die if it was).
Chiptopia, a brand-new reward program, will be in effect on July 1st. Here’s how it works: after you buy a meal (something at least $6) a certain number of times, you earn reward points. After 4 purchases, you reach the Mild level and earn a free entree. On your eighth purchase, you reach the Medium level and earn another free entree. On your eleventh purchase, you’ll reach the Hot level and earn – you guessed it – a free entree.

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However, there’s a catch. The Chiptopia program is only for a limited time, from July to September, and you can only count one purchase per day towards your points. But you don’t just get three free entrees in total. You can get at least 9 free entrees if you try hard enough. I repeat, NINE FREE ENTREES FROM CHIPOTLE.
This is due to your point total resetting each month. If you get to Hot status in July, you go back to not-so-hot in August and so forth. I know that’s a lot of burritos, but there are even more rewards to it.

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On top of those sweet deals, Chipotle will reward those worthy enough, those loyal few, those individuals that have a problem. If you get to a certain level for all three months, then you’ll get a reward.
If you reach Mild status three times in a row, you earn (drum roll please) another free entree. If you reach Medium status all three times, you earn twenty bucks in Chipotle merchandise to show how much of a problem you actually have. Then, for those who have emptied their bank account to earn Hot status all three months, you earn… diabetes.
Not really, but you can if you want because you will win catering for 20 people (or just you, I don’t judge). That’s all the burritos, guys, all of them. You could feed my entire family (and please do) if you give this much devotion to the almighty Chipotle gods. What are you waiting for? Hit stores July 1st to get that coveted Chiptopia card and earn free chips and guac with your very first purchase.