
This Alarm Clock Will Wake You Up With Freshly Brewed Coffee

Waking up in the morning can be a huge hassle, especially if you aren’t a morning person. Trying to get out of bed and go through your morning routine without being a zombie is a challenge. You can try to eat a better breakfast to keep you awake, you can try to listen to music, or you can invest in Barisieur – an alarm clock that brews you a cup of coffee.

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This alarm clock wakes you up to the smell of coffee, a sure way to ease anyone into their day and start the morning off right. The clock will pour boiled water over your coffee grinds, and keep your milk or cream cool — all you need to do is add the milk or cream and sugar. There’s currently a waitlist for the clock, and the listed price will set you back more than $300.

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The alarm has settings to match your morning habits, with functions that allow your coffee to either brew before, or after your alarm goes off, depending on whether you like to hit the snooze button, or wake up to your coffee at the first alarm. If you’re a stubborn sleeper, there’s even a switch on the side of the clock that will only start brewing when you flip it.

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While you have to get everything set up the night before, Barisieur creator Josh Renouf says he hopes it becomes a relaxing nightly ritual for users. He says that he also created the product to be something people can proudly display in their homes while also having it physically engage users. Renouf has also added a USB charging port to the clock for those who like to scroll a bit before they sleep.

How do you take you coffee?