
WATCH: These Edible Six-Pack Rings Could Save Lives and Reduce Pollution

Plastic has been affecting the environment for countless years, while also being a huge factor in our pollution problem. In particular, its increasing negative effects on the ocean and it’s wildlife are far from being resolved. Thousands of animals, from small fish to great white sharks, are harmed everyday by plastic waste. Whether it’s from animals trying to eat the waste, or from animals getting tangled or caught in it, the lives of many have been lost.

However, things may be looking up. A brewery in Delray, Florida called Saltwater Brewery is making strides in lowering their output of plastic waste, while also ensuring there is no potential animal harm.

Recently, the company decided to make six-pack rings made out of wheat and barley, which are leftover from their beer production. The new rings are as strong and durable as plastic, but they are biodegradable. Being that the rings are made from organic materials, they can either be eaten or decomposed.

Check it out for yourself. It’s a game changer.

Saltwater Brewery “Edible Six Pack Rings” from We Believers on Vimeo.

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