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Can the New S’mores Oreo Live Up to the Hype?

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at FAU chapter.

At this point, it’s hard to deny that the entire world has been on a S’mores craze for the past few summers. Frappuccinos? Yes. Protein Powder? Uh huh. Vodka, because how else are we supposed to make childhood’s most nostalgic treat into a sickeningly sweet alcoholic beverage? It is summer time, after all.


Gif courets y of giphy.com.

The point I’m trying to make (if you weren’t sure) is that s’mores is a super trendy flavor for all things delicious, especially with summer upon us. So, while I wasn’t exactly surprised to hear about the launch of a limited edition S’mores Oreo (S’moreos?), the internet collectively lostits. mind.


Gif courtesy of giphy.com

Described as a graham cracker flavored cookie with a layer of marshmallow flavored crème and a flavor of chocolate crème, they definitely had some serious potential. Obviously, I wasn’t about to be left out of this trend, so I ran to Target and grabbed a package. My only complaint was that the package was far too small, probably about two-thirds of the size of a standard package of Oreos, I’d have much preferred at least a full sized (or bigger, honestly) package.


Photo by Morgan Nielsen.

Regardless of package size, these were very, very good. I could have gone for a stronger graham cracker flavor in the actual cookie (it tasted mostly like the regular vanilla Oreos, with only a little bit of graham-ey flavor), the marshmallow crème was to DIE for, and the chocolate complimented the marshmallow without overpowering it.


Gif courtesy of giphy.com

Having trouble finding them in stores? Here’s a link to buy them on amazon. Granted they’re about three times as much as what I paid for a package at Target, but desperate times can call for desperate measures. Happy munching!

Morgan is a recent graduate at Florida Atlantic University, with a degree in Biological Sciences. As a barista/shift supervisor and certified “Coffee Master” at Starbucks Coffee Company, she’s definitely got the inside scoop on all things caffeine. When she’s not busy impulse buying sushi mats and fondue sets on Amazon, you can usually find her testing out a new recipe in the kitchen (and crossing her fingers that the smoke alarm doesn’t go off). She makes a point to try to make dinner every single night, and rarely makes the same thing twice. Her dream kitchen includes an ice cream machine and an island with a built-in hibachi stove. Even though her degree is in biology, Spoon has helped her discover her passion for writing and editing, and hopes to land a job that allows her to use the social media and writing/editing skills that Spoon has taught her.