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A Truck Crash Left A Michigan Highway Covered In Creamy Dressing

Picture this: it’s a regular day and you’re driving on the highway, focusing on the cars and your other surroundings. You’re looking out for any possible obstacles and avoiding any accidents. Maybe you have to swerve around a pothole or two. But it’s not every day that you have to swerve around a condiment on the highway. Roadkill? Pretty common. A lone tire? It can happen. White, creamy, dressing? It certainly doesn’t happen on a regular basis. But on Tuesday, August 20, drivers on a Michigan highway had to dodge around quite a slippery scene. This was the result of a truck loaded with containers of dressing crashing leaving the Michigan highway covered in creamy dressing.

How did the Michigan highway get covered in creamy dressing?

On Interstate 94 in Macomb County, Michigan, a semi-truck collided with a bridge. Footage from Detroit’s Local 4 WDIV shows spilled-out jugs of white dressing on the side of the road that came from a truck. The shoulder was coated in this substance, while other unopened jugs rolled around. Luckily, no one was harmed in the crash, unless you count the dressing containers.   

According to the Michigan Department of Transportation, traffic was restricted to only the right lane until the crash could be cleaned up. The crash and spill were fully cleaned up by 5 p.m.

What kind of dressing was it?

While that information isn’t known to the public, we can speculate. Even though we’re unable to taste or smell what was smeared onto that highway, the color can give us a few hints. 

My first thought was ranch dressing. I may be a little biased because I think ranch is the best condiment ever, but it’s entirely possible. All I’ll say is that if I were driving on that highway, I would pick up those extra jugs. 

Maybe it wasn’t even exactly a dressing. Perhaps the truck was on its way to a Mexican restaurant, delivering sour cream. Or maybe it was on its way to deliver mayonnaise to a sandwich shop. It could have also been tzatziki, the delicious Greek yogurt dip. 

There’s also no way to know if it was jars of pasta sauce that spilled. For all we know, it could have been gallons of alfredo sauce on the side of the highway. That would have been a real tragedy, especially if the truck was on its way to Olive Garden.

Has this ever happened before?

Yes, actually, but with different condiments. Last summer, an Arkansas highway was covered in cans of nacho cheese after a semi-truck crashed. It’s too bad that no chips spilled with it.

Even just last month, a truck carrying steak sauce spilled all over a highway in North Carolina. So, the creamy dressing incident in Michigan is actually not uncommon at all. Next time you’re on the road, keep an eye out for any spilled condiments. 

Amanda Brucculeri is the fall editorial intern for Spoon University, where she covers food news and emerging trends. Beyond Spoon University, Amanda works as the podcast editor for Boston University News Service, where she oversees a team of reporters covering news through audio. She also writes for the city column of The Buzz Magazine, and is the host of a true crime radio show on WTBU student radio. She is currently a junior at Boston University, majoring in journalism with a minor in public relations. In her free time, she enjoys curating playlists, trying new restaurants, and watching movies.