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McDonald’s McFlurries Are Getting A Makeover

McFlurries are McDonald’s signature dessert. Nothing completes a meal of chicken nuggets and fries better than a frosty soft serve with some crunchy cookies mixed in, especially Oreo’s. Just last year, McDonald’s announced the discontinuation of its iconic McFlurry spoon that also functioned as a straw, which was perfect for mixing, scooping, and sipping. It’s sorely missed, and McFlurries really haven’t been the same without it. The change was made in an effort to reduce single-use plastic waste, and McDonald’s isn’t done with their environmental efforts. In fact, McFlurries are getting a whole new look.

How is the McFlurry packaging changing? 

Curious about the McFlurry makeover? Say goodbye to the McFlurry’s plastic lid, and hello to a new, more sustainable cover. The top of the McFlurry will now have four foldable flaps that cover the top of the creamy treat. While it may seem small, this change will help reduce the fast food chain’s waste footprint when it comes to plastic. Plus, it could be fun to open the flaps to a McFlurry. It’s kind of like opening a present. 

This four-flap packaging has been used in other countries, such as Canada and Indonesia, so it’s proven to work. It’s all a part of McDonald’s goal to source all of their primary guest packaging from renewable, recycled, or certified materials by the end of 2025. But new packaging isn’t the only thing McDonald’s is introducing — there’s a new size too. 

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Photo by Mcdonalds

“Packaging updates like this matter,” said Michael Gonda, SVP, Chief Impact Officer of North America for McDonald’s, in a press release. “Not only is this a fun new way for our U.S. fans to enjoy the McFlurry; we’re also moving one step closer to fulfilling our packaging and waste commitments.”

What new size will the McFlurry come in?

If you’re the friend that always asks for a bite of your friends’ treats, this size is perfect for you. McDonald’s will now carry the Mini McFlurry. Sometimes you just don’t have enough room for a full size McFlurry after eating a Big Mac. With the mini size, you can get a taste of the Oreo McFlurry, the M&M’s McFlurry, or any other flavor you like. It’s also perfect if you can’t choose which flavor to get: just get the mini size of all of them! The small size is also helping to reduce McDonald’s environmental impact, so it’s a win all around. 

When will McDonald’s begin this makeover?

Starting on September 10, you’ll be able to purchase a McFlurry with the new lid, as well as the Mini McFlurry. I don’t know about you, but I’ll be going to my local McDonald’s first thing. A mini Oreo McFlurry just sounds like the perfect little treat.

Amanda Brucculeri is the fall editorial intern for Spoon University, where she covers food news and emerging trends. Beyond Spoon University, Amanda works as the podcast editor for Boston University News Service, where she oversees a team of reporters covering news through audio. She also writes for the city column of The Buzz Magazine, and is the host of a true crime radio show on WTBU student radio. She is currently a junior at Boston University, majoring in journalism with a minor in public relations. In her free time, she enjoys curating playlists, trying new restaurants, and watching movies.