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Hopdoddy’s Makes A Thanksgiving Burger

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Texas chapter.

Thanksgiving is a tender, sweet day we enjoy sharing with our family. A Thanksgiving meal, however, is a very special moment we share with our tastebuds. A plate piled way too high with rich, savory turkey, buttered mash potatoes and sweet cranberries calls our name from the moment we wake up to the moment we are stuffed to the brim of explosion. All we want is to turn back time and enjoy the moment over and over again.

Well for a short time, we can. This glorious plate of food has turned itself into a single burger brought to us by the pioneers of our favorite burger joint, Hopdoddy. They call this gift “Thanksgiving on a Bun.” Sources close to the burger (aka: a customer) described the burger as a “the sweet, spicy and savory feel of a Thanksgiving meal merged together and placed on top of a warm bun.”


Photo by Wes Cole

So what makes this burger all the rage this thankful season? How about its all natural turkey patty topped with sage pesto, jalapeño cornbread stuffing, house-made ginger cranberry chutney, gouda cheese and bacon brussel sprouts. If that combination doesn’t make you say “I am thankful for food,” I don’t know what will. All this burger needs is a tall glass of hot cider. Or cider beer. Whatever suits your feasting fancy. Enjoy your Turkey Day, and thank the people (and food) you love the most!