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Gen Z is definitely the *it* generation. Born between 1997 and 2012, Gen Z is entering the workforce, heading to college, getting their first high school job, and beyond. Of course, as an older Gen Z myself, my hard-earned cash goes right back to rent, my dog, and little treats. My favorites include Insomnia Cookies orders late at night (duh), iced vanilla lattes from my favorite local coffee shops, and chocolate croissants from nearby bakeries. What can I say, I have quite the sweet tooth. Uniquely, Business Insider recently reported that Gen Z is seemingly no longer taking their money to McDonald’s. The Golden Arches restaurant is known across the globe for its crispy fries, apple pies, and ice cream treats — when the machine works, that is. So, what is all the new data about Gen Z falling out of love with McDonald’s and other fast food chains? Let’s check out these Gen Z fast food trends.

Why is Gen Z not eating at McDonald’s and other fast food chains anymore?

According to a Morning Consult survey of Gen Z eaters, these Gen Z foodies believe that fast food is a good deal less frequently than Millennial, Gen X, or Boomer diners. NGL, this absolutely checks out. In a May 2024 article by Finance Buzz, fast food inflation has hit its peak. In fact, the study notes, “McDonald’s menu prices have doubled (100% increase) since 2014 across popular items — the highest of any chain we analyzed.” Plus, other fast food chains, such as Popeye’s and Taco Bell, have experienced more than 80% inflation rates. And with Gen Z already not having a great deal of savings, shelling out more than $5 for menu items that used to be on a literal dollar menu could feel silly.

Though, McDonald’s isn’t the only place that’s upping prices to its own detriment. Chipotle’s price increases in tandem with customer-proclaimed quantity and quality drops made hungry patrons walk out of the store mid-service.

Alex Frank / Spoon

Ironically, just in 2023, Gen Z was lovin’ McDonald’s when it came to marketing efforts. The chain’s purple Grimace shake took off on TikTok in a hilarious and horrifying way. The Food Institute shared data from consulting and research firm dcdx that showed McDonald’s being a top Gen Z favorite only a mere year ago.

Anecdotally speaking, many Gen Z friends and acquaintances in my periphery opt to shop and eat local if the option presents itself. Not only is the quality usually better, the price is not fixed by a corporate overlord. Though, multiple reports, including this one from Faire, reveal that Gen Z is all about keeping their money in their community and shopping at spots that share their values.

What brands is Gen Z shopping at?

Gen Z is big on the tech brands of course, including Apple, TikTok, and YouTube, per an Axios report. When it comes to little treat culture, this generation is all about the sweets and savory eats. Doritos and Oreos top the list.

Additionally, a blog on Toast revealed that many Gen Z eaters are seeking out more plant-based alternatives, healthy options, and quick service. It also doesn’t hurt if the food and drinks served are totally social-media friendly.

Editor Girlie, beverage goblin