
The Avocado Emoji is Finally Here

So I was just minding my own avocado loving business, writing an article about all the benefits of avocados, day dreaming about avocado toast in the morning when lo and behold, I stumble upon the most exciting news to rock my world since, well, avocado toast.

Ladies and gentlemen… we now have an avocado emoji.

Photo courtesy of

June 21, 2016 marked the release unicode 9.0 which  includes 72 new emojis, 18 of which are food-related including eggs, bacon, croissants, pancakes and baguettes, kiwi, carrot and peanuts.

There is even a spoon.

Photo courtesy of

How appropriate!

Don’t be alarmed if you don’t see these emojis just yet. Apple, Google and Microsoft are set to include them in their public releases which will happen soon (AKA any minute now).

Share this with all your peeps so they aren’t left out of the avocado emoji loop.

Hungry for more?

9 Major Benefits of Avocado
All Hail the Avocado Toast
15 Creative Ways to Prepare Avocado