
Amazon is Going to Sell Food and You Never Have to Go Outside Again

Amazon, the online store where you can buy everything from shoes to shelves, is now going to sell food from an in-house brand, available initially to only Prime members. They’ll offer dry goods like vitamins (which are not a food, people, so don’t eat them like one), coffee, tea, spices and more, all under a generic label.

And the general thinking is it will be a MASSIVE success. Amazon has already struck gold with their previous generic lines (such as AmazonBasics) and they are privy to a wealth of consumer data that will help them deliver the perfect products to loyal Prime users, creating a never-ending loop of positive feedback from all parties.

Experts are saying grocery stores should be very worried – one day we’ll be buying everything online, and it will probably be from Amazon. The emphasis on non-perishable foods and the widespread acceptance of generic brands will also likely help boost sales.

While the launch date isn’t yet public, the odds are good that the last 500 people without a Prime membership will be signing up ASAP.

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