The paleo diet has recently become popular amongst celebrities and regular people alike, as it calls for a strict diet consisting of nothing but fruits, vegetables, animal protein, nuts and seeds. This diet is said to promote a more healthy lifestyle, as it cuts out all processed foods that are generally the cause of unhealthy diets. If the many health benefits aren’t enough to persuade you to trade in your Cheetos for carrots, then maybe the names of the many stars that have adopted a paleo lifestyle will.
1. Jessica Biel

Photo courtesy of @jessicabiel on Instagram
Known for her hot bod and even hotter husband, Jessica is an avid follower of the paleo diet. In an interview with Crossfit Zone, Biel said, “It just leans you down and slims you up and takes that little layer of fat, skin, and water-weight right off your body.”
2. Jack Osbourne

Photo courtesy of @jackosbourne on Instagram
After being diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 2012, Jack turned to a paleo diet to lessen the symptoms of the disease. Switching his diet also resulted in a dramatic 70-pound weight loss for Osbourne.
3. Megan Fox

Photo courtesy of @cinescape_radio on Instagram
Megan Fox made headlines when she rapidly dropped her 23 pounds of baby weight by following a paleo diet. She credits this lifestyle choice and her willpower to say no to carbs for allowing her to achieve the smokin’ body that she’s known for.
4. Tim McGraw

Photo courtesy of @tortugamusicfestival on Instagram
McGraw credits the paleo diet and his CrossFit training for getting him into the best shape of his life. After giving up drugs and alcohol, the country singer adopted a paleo diet that lead to his jaw-dropping 40-pound weight loss.
5. Kristin Cavallari

Photo courtesy of @jengraceblogged on Instagram
The Hills star is another celebrity that praises the paleo diet for her 20-pound post-baby weight loss. Saying that she is “… a freak about what I put into my mouth,” Cavallari told that a paleo diet is the perfect solution to her strict food guidelines.
6. Matthew McConaughey

Photo courtesy of @matthew_mcconaughey0411 on Instagram
Can someone say yum? McConaughey is known for his ripped stomach, and you only need to watch Magic Mike once (well, maybe a couple times) to appreciate his dedication to fitness. He’s stated that he maintains his godly physique by keeping a no-grain-or-processed-food diet – essentially, a paleo diet.
7. Miley Cyrus

Photo courtesy of @mileycyrus_smiiler_ on Instagram
Miley Cyrus adopted the paleo diet because of her gluten and dairy allergies. She encourages everyone to go gluten-free and see the vast changes in their skin, mental health and physical health.
8. Kobe Bryant

Photo courtesy of @infamousnitti on Instagram
Bryant follows a strict paleo diet to keep in shape for his NBA career. He credits his diet for allowing him not only to play harder on the court, but to recover quicker from injury as well.
9. Uma Thurman

Photo courtesy of @findelaligne on Instagram
Thurman is another star that credits the paleo diet for allowing her to achieve her toned and slender figure. She swears by the diet, as it not only gives her not only a healthier look but also more energy and mental clarity.
10. Bill Clinton

Photo courtesy of @listin_diario on Instagram
Known for his dramatic weight loss due to following a vegan diet, the former president recently made a shift to the paleo diet. After being told he was not getting an adequate amount of protein by his physician, Clinton changed his diet around to allow for a wider consumption of protein while still maintaining his more slender build.
11. Eva La Rue

Photo courtesy of @celebrities_world_ on Instagram
La Rue is a very vocal advocate of the paleo diet. She gives this diet credit for her slimmed-down figure and healthier lifestyle choices.
12. Jeb Bush

Photo courtesy of @jebbush on Instagram
Jeb Bush has lost 40 pounds since following a paleo diet. While this was definitely not an easy diet to follow on the campaign trail, he made it work. His key to success is allowing for a “cheat day” on Sundays.
13. Tom Jones

Photo courtesy of @realsirtomjones on Instagram
Tom Jones lost 35 pounds in 5 months due to his adherence to the paleo diet. He says he recommends this diet to everyone he knows because he truly believes this is what keeps him looking this good.
14. Gwyneth Paltrow

Photo courtesy of @gwynethpaltrow on Instagram
Paltrow is known for her bizarre food choices, but following a paleo diet seems fairly normal for her. Not only does she keep a grain-free diet, but she also has her kids following a paleo diet as well.
15. Grant Hill

Photo courtesy of @realgranthill on Instagram
The seven-time NBA All-Star credits the paleo diet for keeping him in shape during his successful basketball career. He also says that at 40, he feels better than he did at age 32 and says that it is highly correlated to his paleo regime.