People say that you are what you eat. If that’s true, I’m probably a fusion of avocado, cookie dough cupcakes, and chicken parm pizza. I like to believe that I am most like a cupcake (since they are my favorite food group) because, well, who doesn’t like a cupcake?

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If you are what you eat, then your cupcake order will sure say a lot about you.
Vanilla Cupcake with Vanilla Frosting – The Boring Friend Who Doesn’t Know How to Text

Photo courtesy of @sweetbakeshop from Instagram
You’re unoriginal. It’s okay, we’re all a little unoriginal and like to stick to the basics sometimes. If this is your classic cupcake order, you just like simplicity. I wish my life was as easy as this cupcake.
Chocolate Cupcake with Vanilla Frosting – The Fake Hipster

Photo by Caty Schnack
If a chocolate cupcake with vanilla frosting is a regular in your diet, you’re probably pretty basic too. You just get the chocolate cupcake to pretend you’re more “edgy.” Step it up and make a red wine chocolate cupcake with this recipe.
Red Velvet – The One Who’s Going to Grow Up to Be a Surgeon

Photo by Zoe Zaiss
Red velvet cupcakes mean business. You’re slick and smooth, and well-dressed. That moist cupcake and cream cheese frosting mesh together so well, just like your life seems to. You can make your own red velvet Oreo cupcakes like this.
Mocha Cupcake – The One Who Snapchats at 4 am

Photo courtesy of @crumberry from Instagram
A mocha cupcake has got quite a twist, just like you. You’re fun, flirty, but you’ve also got a few too many things on your plate (which is why you rely on a cupcake for your caffeine). You could also get your caffeine fix from these mocha chocolate chip cookies.
Chocolate Raspberry Cupcake – The One With the Perfect Instagram Feed and Best Prom Dress

Photo courtesy of @mollyscupcakes from Instagram
You’re elegant as f*ck. Chocolate raspberry cupcakes are as classy as they get. Combining that moist chocolate cupcake with raspberry drizzled in the middle, topped perfectly with chocolate ganache creates the epitome of a cupcake. Basically, you’re everyone’s #goals. If you need something a little more substantial, try this dark chocolate, raspberry, and brie grilled cheese.
Oreo Cupcake – The One Who Writes in a Diary

Photo courtesy of @reblondonfridge from Instagram
You’re a bit of a piece of work. From the outside, you’re sweet. I mean, who wouldn’t be? But once people dig deep enough, they’ll find out you’ve got some v profound secrets. If you need more Oreos in your life, we’ve got you covered with these recipes.
Cookie Dough Cupcake – The One With a 3.9 GPA

Photo courtesy of @cozyoven from Instagram
You’re the teacher’s pet. Everyone loves you because you’re sweet on the outside and the inside. You’re probably peppy and love giving out free hugs. You can even make your own edible cookie dough dip with this recipe.
Carrot Cake Cupcake – The One Who Only Shops at Whole Foods

Photo courtesy of @cupycakesweetshop from Instagram
You’re little bit of a health freak even when you’re trying to eat something sweet. Kudos to you. You’re also a little bit nutty and crazy but super lovable, just like dis cupcake. Carrot cake doesn’t need to be boring, either; have some fun with your cupcakes with this recipe.
Chocolate Peanut Butter Cupcake – The One Who Goes to Soul Cycle All The Time and Wins Prom Queen

Photo courtesy of @mollyscupcakesny from Instagram
Considering that your favorite cupcake combines peanut butter and chocolate, you’re brilliant. You’re well-rounded, super kewl and fun and you’re the Queen Bee because everyone likes looking at you (assuming you look as good as this cupcake). You could also make your own mini peanut butter brownie cupcakes like this.
S’mores Cupcake – The One Who Works at a Sleep-Away Camp Every Summer

Photo by Phoebe Melnick
You’re creative. You don’t like having just one dimension in your life, so you add several (like marshmallows and graham crackers). You love adventure and you’re not scared to try new, exciting things. Switch up your s’mores routine with these s’mores cupcakes.
Peppermint Cupcake – The One Who Counts Down the Days to Christmas Starting the Day After Christmas

Photo by Roann Pao
You’re a true Christmas fairy. Not only do you love the holiday season, but you love spreading the holiday cheer. When it’s not anytime close to the holidays, you’re still your friend group’s cheeriest friend. Everyone loves you because you’re sweet, fun, and love happiness. Satisfy your peppermint craving with these holiday cupcakes.
The “Turtle” Cupcake – The Unpredictable Friend Who Drunk Cries About Her Future

Photo courtesy of @spoon_vt from Instagram
You’re the confusing one in your group of friends. You haven’t quite figured out who you want to be yet, so you’re trying out a few different things.
“Snowball” Cupcake – The One Who Has 27 Lulu Lemon Bags in Her Closet

Photo courtesy of @sprinklescupcakes from Instagram
You are a basic b*tch. You love this cupcake because it looks simple, but pops in your mouth, just like you. You might wear the same J Crew vest and Vineyard Vines zip-up that the other 1,973 girls at your college wear, but that doesn’t mean that you’re not fab on the inside. Flaunt what you got, girlfrand.
Salted Caramel Cupcake – The One Who Dyed Her Hair Purple In Middle School

Photo by Sharon Cho
You might be a little bit shy upon first impression, but once people get to know you, they’ll learn that you’re full of excitement. You like to keep to yourself, but you’re quite a handful once you let people in (in the best way possible). You can even make your own salted caramel truffles with this recipe.
Nutella Cupcake – The One Everyone Mistakes for a Therapist

Photo by Xinwei Zeng
Nutella is the cure to just about everything. Combine that with a cupcake and you’ve got a cure-all. If a Nutella cupcake is your go-to, you’re probably the middle man in your group of friends. You’re the one who loves everyone and cries when everyone fights. People normally come to you for advice, cuddle sessions, or just hella hugs. Satisfy your Nutella cravings with these Nutella-stuffed cookie cups.
Lemon Cupcake – The One Who Hates 90% of the Friend Group But Pretends to Love All of Them

Photo courtesy of @torithemadbatter from Instagram
You’ve got an attitude no one can quite understand. Everyone loves you, but you’re just a little less sweet and loving than everyone else is. It’s okay, sometimes it’s hard to love crazy b*tches. Make it sweet with these lemon cupcakes with blackberry frosting.
Gluten Free, Vegan Cupcake – The One Who Has a Tumblr

Photo courtesy of @bakedandwireddc from Instagram
You’re a hipster. Common, no one eats that sh*t unless they have to. (I’m kidding – kudos to you… but you’re probably still a hipster). If you need even more gluten-free desserts, we’ve got you covered with these recipes.

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The moral of the story is that you’re probably pretty f*cking awesome no matter what kind of cupcake you order. Eat away, b*tchez.