
Your Guide to Cheap Summer Beers, Ranked by Alcohol Content

Summer is finally here. That means its time to sit our happy asses on the beach and drink a cold one. Or a couple cold ones. Or even the whole damn 12-pack.

But being a beach babe with beer in hand isn’t always cheap or effective. Take it from someone with a high love for beer and a low balance in my bank account. Here’s your ultimate go-to for drinking this summer. Each beer is ranked by their alcohol content and are price-conscious. So, take a look (and notes) at these cheap summer beers and get ready for the beach.

8. Pretty Much Any Light Beer

Photo by Sharon Cho

If you’re looking for a cheap summertime beer, always go “light.” While the alcohol content might not be as high as others, its easier on the wallet. They’re also easier to shotgun because they are more like water than anything else. Generally, you’re going to pay more for something with a higher alcohol content with only a few exceptions.

#SpoonTip: Add lime juice to any light beer. This will give it a fresh summer taste and make it easier to drink for those who aren’t partial to beer.

6. (TIE) Bud Light Lime: 4.2%

Photo by Jessica Kelly

This easy brew also has an alcohol content of 4.2 percent ABV. If you’re in the mood for something special in your normal Bud, you can pick up a six-pack for the same price as the regular thing.

6. (TIE) Michelob Ultra Lime Cactus: 4.2%

This citrus brew will have you singing show tunes after a six-pack with a 4.2 percent ABV alcohol content. It;s easy to go through several of these bad boys when they’re only $11 for a 12-pack.

5. Corona: 4.5%

Photo by Darcy Graham

Ah, Corona. The ultimate beach beer. Squeeze in a little lime and you’ve got yourself summer in a bottle. To top it off, this beachy brew has a 4.5 percent ABV and costs around 6 big ones.

#SpoonTip: Cut up some lime slices and stick them in a plastic baggy for the beach or BBQ. That way, you can enjoy a full Corona experience, complete with the lime juice. Besides, no event can have too many limes.

4. Landshark: 4.6%

Photo by Darcy Graham

It’s always five o’ clock somewhere when you’ve got this delicious brew to sip. Landshark is the house beer for Jimmy Buffet’s Margaritaville and its pretty much the Bahamas in a bottle. A six-pack at Walmart is around $7.50. Not bad for a one-way trip to paradise.

3. Leinenkugel’s Summer Shandy: 4.7%

Photo by Darcy Graham

This impossible-to-pronounce (and spell) shandy weighs in with 4.7 percent ABV. This brew is filled to the brim with lemony flavor. It tasted more like carbonated lemonade than beer. So for those who don’t have the tastebuds for beer, this is the six pack for you for 8 dollars.

2. Guinness Blonde: 5.0%

Photo by Darcy Graham

For those of us who one might call a “beer snob,” this blonde brew is the way to go. It’s quirky, smooth and just crafty enough to satisfy even the most snobbish of beer enthusiasts on a hot summer afternoon. It’s got a great hop-filled taste without all the heaviness the heat won’t allow. An alcohol content of 5.0 percent combined with the luck of the Irish is the recipe for summer success.

1. Miller High Life: 5.5%

Photo by Darcy Graham

This beer is the exception to the rule. It’s dirt cheap with a sky-high alcohol content. Although many beer snobs (or experts) are scrunching up their noses in disgust, this beer actually doesn’t taste too bad. But most importantly, it does the trick. Combine that with the fact that it’s ridiculously easy to drink and you’ve got yourself a delightfully lethal combination. Coming in with an alcohol content of 5.5 percent, tasty draft is cheap, flavorful and will certainly get the job done. The best part? It shouldn’t be more than $5 to snag a six-pack.

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