
Outdoor Workouts You Need to Try This Spring

Finding the motivation to work out in the cold winter months can be tough. I mean, we’re all guilty of the days where we’ve skipped workouts to binge-watch Netflix in our PJs. Clearly, getting out of bed on a cold, snowy day and going to the gym isn’t the most ideal.

However, with the warmer weather just around the corner, there's so many more workouts to try beyond the confined corners of a gym. Trust me, giving these workouts a chance will benefit not only your physical well-being, but your mental state as well.


Personally, hiking is my go-to workout, especially during the warm spring months. Hiking is a perfect way to escape the gym and enjoy the tranquility nature has to offer. Whenever I hike, I definitely feel it in my legs and glutes the next day. Whether you’re searching for a good workout or just want to free your mind, give hiking a try this spring.


Oh, the classic bike ride. Bike riding in the spring definitely makes me feel nostalgic of my younger childhood days. Seriously, bike riding is a killer leg workout and a great way to get your cardio in. If you want extra resistance, find somewhere to bike uphill and trust me, it makes all the difference. Enjoy the outdoors and go for a ride!


Swimming is one of the best workouts out there, combining cardio, resistance, and stamina-building. Searching for a full-body workout? I'd recommend giving swimming a chance, especially as it gets warmer out.


Running and I have a love-hate relationship. During the winter, I sometimes dread running on a treadmill but I do it solely for the workout. On the other hand, I love to run in the spring and summer. It’s crazy how much the change in scenery affects my view of running, but it really does. Running doesn’t have to be boring. Make new running playlists every so often to switch up the dynamic of your runs. The best part of the spring is that you can explore so many different locations for running— whether it be a park, the beach, or a boardwalk. 

HIIT Workout

If you're looking for a quick yet intense workout, you need to try HIIT this spring. Interval training is a great way to burn calories and body fat in a short amount of time. Don't be fooled. Although HIIT workouts may only last 10-15 minutes, your body will be on fire the entire time.

#SpoonTip: For even more of a challenge, try doing a HIIT workout on the beach. Stabilizing your body on the sand will increase the resistance and make you work way harder. 

I know I'm not the only one who's getting sick of the treadmill and elliptical. Take advantage of the warm spring weather and give these outdoor workouts a chance.