
Why You Shouldn’t Feel Bad for Having Cravings

Everybody should have a healthy relationship with food. We need food to survive and it should be bringing you pure joy and happiness. Fighting your cravings will drive you insane and could lead you to a downward spiral into a bottomless pit (AKA your stomach). Enough of this “dieting” crap. Make promises you can actually keep through realistic lifestyle changes. This is why you shouldn’t fight your cravings:

You might go insane

Photo by Bridget Thom

If you don’t satisfy that craving, you’ll probably break. You are going to eat three bowls of mac and cheese – each filled to the brim – the second you crack and you’ll hate yourself afterwards. Just remember, everything is fine in moderation (this may or may not be true for mac and cheese).

You deserve it

Photo by Bridget Thom

Don’t wait around for a reason. Soon, you’ll be picking random reasons left and right why you deserve that cake or ice cream. Get a small piece or scoop and move on with your day and stop complaining to me about how much you want dessert.

Your body is telling you something

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Sometimes, cravings might mean something more than you wanting chocolate. According to, your chocolate craving might mean you’re running low on magnesium. Think twice before you stuff your face because you might be able to satisfy your craving in another way. Keep reading to find out how.

Food tastes good

Photo by Bridget Thom

Add some flava flave to your life. Eating should be an enjoyable experience and your taste buds need some excitement. I’m sure the smell of a bacon, egg, and cheese breakfast sandwich in the morning makes you feel some type of way.

Live a little

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You only live once, right?

If you have repetitive cravings or cravings that just won’t go away, you might need to find other alternatives to that food. Moderation is key and if that’s a problem, and many other websites have plenty of substitutes out there for your average craving and your cravings might even be telling you that your body is lacking a certain nutrient.

Diets don’t work in the long run, so if you’re going to try one of those fad diets out, plan on gaining any weight you lose back. It’s a smarter option to change your eating habits and to make them work for you. Just because something is healthy doesn’t mean it tastes bad. Broaden your horizons and try dressing up your favorite yogurt with some fruit and granola. By enjoying food in moderation and exercising frequently, you will develop a healthy relationship with food and you will be happier overall.

Photo by Bridget Thom

Listen to that little devil on your shoulder every one in awhile. That devil might be your best friend.

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