
Why You Should Be Supporting Your Local Beekeepers

As we all know, the population of bees has been in a rapid decline across the globe. With the use of pesticides and unruly killings of hives, bees are not receiving the nurture they deserve. Recently, there millions of bees were killed in Florida and South Carolina because of the Zika virus. Millions of bees were killed in a matter of hours, putting small beekeepers out of business over the use of pesticides. It's heartbreaking and concerning. 

My grandfather back in Northern Ireland is the founder of his small beekeeping business, "Pointbeekeeping." He strives to use the most ethical and humane ways to work with his bee populations. My grandfather's dedication to bees inspires me every day and has a lot to do with myself pursuing an Environmental studies major. He has taught me that our environment is crucial to our survival and happiness on this earth. Even more, he has taught me the major role bees have to preserving the environment that we so heavily depend on. 

I have been lucky enough to work with bees alongside my grandfather. I've gotten to see and learn the nature of how they work; the ultimate workaholics. They literally work their little bee butts off to preserve our wonderful environment, the least we could do is make sure they don't decline any more than they already have. 

Of course we all can't become a beekeeper and save the world, but we can make small steps to act together. We have to prioritize our needs and desires for the well being of bees. If you're able to buy local produce that isn't heavily grown with pesticides, do it. Visit your local beekeeper, ask questions, learn. 

Bees provide us with the necessities for a healthy environment, even more they provide us with honey. 

Imagine making a cup of tea and not having a spoonful of honey. Imagine one day, bees go extinct. What will our world look like? That's a question that cannot go under effect. Let's protect and preserve their lives as best we can. They are, after all, the very reason we experience the beauty of nature and life.