
Why You Should Join a Spoon University Chapter

Spoon University. What is it, you may ask? Our website says it best: “An everyday food resource for our generation, on a mission to make food make sense. You can find the simplest recipes, the most obvious hacks you can’t believe, and the best restaurants around campus that you haven’t found yet.” Still not sure why you should join? Well, let me tell you more.

Spoon University is basically a combination of Buzzfeed and Tasty videos, however, every article and video feature on our site are produced and curated by students all around the country at different colleges and universities. Pretty fancy, huh?

Photo by Jocelyn Hsu

Before I joined Spoon University, I had no idea where to eat on campus or what to make for dinner. Now, I have tried about five new “hidden” restaurants and have attempted to make a few different, simple and creative recipes in my free time.

Collaborating with other writers and social media fanatics has allowed me to get exclusive and early access to all of this great information before the public does. Also, Spoon University is a chance to meet new people you probably never would have encountered before during your four years on campus.

Photo courtesy of Spoon University

Within this small but growing community of food lovers, working with a team to produce quality content for our peers around the country is super entertaining and a great learning experience.

You don’t have to have any prior writing or social media marketing experience; anyone is welcome to join (as long as you are okay with the fact you might get a little hungry when writing articles or looking at all the Instagram picture submissions). Not only can you add this to your resume, but you get to eat A LOT and be adventurous with your taste buds.

Photo by Samantha Ho

If you want to join, click here to find your school, apply, and meet your team! Happy Spooning!

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