
Why You Should Ditch Cake Pops for Brownie Pops

Dessert as we know it will never be the same. After years of being deemed a “trendy” food, cake pops are facing their demise. In case you’ve been living under a rock for the past few years, cake pops are edible cake balls fastened on a stick like a lollipop for portable eating pleasure. Often covered in frosting and toppings, this dessert was a hit at any party.

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Move over cake pops, because brownie pops are about to steal the scene. How might you make brownies even better? By putting them in pop form. Simply put the brownies on a stick, and dip into chocolate, sprinkles, or any toppings that you desire. Once you bite into one of these treats, you’ll forget cake pops even existed.

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Cake pops, you had a nice run. But its time to make room for a new food trend. You will definitely be missed, but brownie pops will definitely be appreciated. But in the meantime, let’s have a brief moment of silence for our beloved cake pops.

To stay up to date on brownie recipes, check out these articles: