
Why You Should Be Using Aloe Vera for More Than Just Sunburn

Many people have been seeking ways to get healthier from the inside out. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with being healthy, however, people tend to overthink it sometimes. Not very many people think that something so simple, like a certain plant *cough kale cough*, can pack so many perks. Well, it can. Enter: aloe vera.

What is aloe vera and where did it come from?

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Aloe vera is a jelly-like substance grown inside of aloe, a succulent plant that kind of looks like a cactus. It has spiked fleshy leaves and a bell-shaped or tubular flowers on its long stems. It grows in arid climates like in parts of California, Texas and elsewhere.

How can aloe vera benefit you?

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Aloe vera is known for being used for various purposes such as skin conditions, hair health, healthy digestion, joints and muscle discomfort, and so much more. It can be used you in everyday life to help you become a better being inside and out.


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As I was learning how to properly care for my curls, I wanted to find good natural products that’ll both strengthen and moisturize my hair (my hair used to be drier than hay). I learned about it through several naturalists online and figured I’ll give it a go.

Turns out, aloe vera not only moisturizes the hair, but it promotes hair growth and hair shine, reduces dandruff, and restores the natural pH balance of the hair and scalp. Normally, I add water, aloe vera juice and some leave-in conditioner into a spray bottle and spritz my hair with it daily. Since I’ve started doing that, my hair has been growing in stronger and healthier than ever. Just keep in mind that everyone’s hair responses differently to the same products.


Photo by Elizabeth Layman

Aloe Vera has been proven to help heal sunburns, but not prevent them. You don’t even have to use the weirdly-colored tubes of gel from the grocery store – if you’re lucky enough to have an aloe vera plant nearby, you can use the gel from the inside of the plant for a few days on your burn for a few days until the redness started fading. Aloe vera can also be used a moisturizer and a remedy for acne and even wrinkles, thanks to high concentrations of vitamins and moisture.


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Aloe vera helps maintain a healthy intestinal pH while promoting a friendly environment for probiotics in the digestive tract. It also helps control harmful bacteria growth, which can cause further damage to the digestive system. Aloe has been known to help reduce the toxins in the body and assist in eliminating waste that can slow down cellular process and inhibit nutrient absorption.

Immune system

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White blood cells are a major part of the immune system. Normally, they form the first line of defense in the immune system by creating a barrier that hunts aims to rid any foreign particles that enter the body. When the immune system drops in white blood cell counts, it can lead to infections and illness. By increasing the amount of white blood cells, the body is able to further support a healthy immune system. Yay!


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When drinking aloe vera, it is recommended that you drink no more than two to four ounces a day. That is the required amount for maintaining health and is all you need. If you take more than the suggested amount, you can experience side effects such as liver dysfunction, nausea, and allergic reactions. You can even experience diarrhea because the aloe leaves can be used to produce a juice or a dried substance known as latex, which contains strong laxative compounds.

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