
Why When You're On The Go, You Should GoMacro

Okay guys, let's all face the truth. Whether its the post-lunch snack craving, post-workout bite, or we just don't want to wake up earlier than we absolutely have to—we all occasionally have to hit the bars. Granola bars, protein bars, you name it. 

Being an athlete most of my life, I always needed something I could grab before or after a game to keep me fueled and focused, or just to have available to on the go. So after combing through the isles at almost every grocery store known to mankind and trying pretty much every bar on the market, I consider myself a true expert

What I came to learn very quickly when I started on my search for the perfect bite, is that not all bars are created equal. In fact, most are made of extremely poor ingredients...starting with sugar.

There are also ratios you want to lookout for when choosing a bar. That is, you want a combination of protein, fat, and carbs that is truly going to do it's job, whether that be refuel/fuel your workout, or keep you full and focused so you aren't constantly reaching for a snack (or, let's be honest, to satisfy your chocolate cravings, because that's a real thing too).

After learning a lot about what health means, I'm the first to advocate for eating what you need or want, even if that means it's a bit "unhealthy"—the secret to health is honoring yourself and maintaining a balance. But what a majority of us don't realize is that healthy eating does not have to come at a price, especially giving up on taste. Que—the bar of your dreams: GoMacro bars.

I stumbled upon GoMacro bars many years ago, and I've been hooked ever since. I've tried just about every flavor they have, and including their NEW flavors: dark chocolate almond, mocha chocolate chip, and blueberry cashew (and let me tell you...they are AMAZING). Think: candy bar in disguise.

The Mission

Let's start with GoMacro itself. In 2003, owner Amelia Kirchoff was diagnosed with breast cancer. She and her daughter, Jola,  decided that a plant-based, macrobiotic diet was how they would fight cancer as opposed to traditional treatments. Amelia won, and in doing so, created the MacroBar, and now has a hand in every part of the company. It is a truly inspiring, heartwarming, and empowering story, that I urge you to check out here.  Their instagram is equally inspiring, often filled with reminders such as the one below.

Their mission is simple: people, planet, and balance, with their five principles of living long, being well, going vegan, treading lightly, and giving back. They maintain these principles by living on macrobiotics, or choosing local produce that is in season and grown locally, using premium, natural ingredients, eating real food, considering the environment, and giving back to organizations. In fact, throughout the month of May, they are giving back 10% of all sales on the peanut butter MacroBar (my all time favorite) to the Farm Sanctuary's rescue and rehabilitation programs. You can also recycle their products completely. 

The bars themselves take into consideration allergy needs as well, but also are soy-free for the sake of keeping soy consumption to a minimum due to its properties as an endocrine disruptor and has been linked to cancer (you can read more about endocrine disruptors from the WHO here, because they are quite important and overlooked often). The bars are also non-GMO, and certified organic. Do you love it yet?

The Good Stuff

Let's talk versatility: there is a flavor for everyone. Some flavors, like the wholehearted heaven (almond butter + carob) have less protein while others rank higher in protein content, like the prolonged power (banana + almond butter), protein replenishment (peanut butter), and protein purity (sunflower butter + chocolate *allergy friendly*). 

Now, the big hitters: taste, texture, and favorites. What I like most about these bars is their ingredients. They are simple and clean, meaning organic, vegan, gluten-free, kosher, non-GMO, and comprised of mostly of nut butters, fair trade chocolate chips, nuts, and puffed brown rice.  A chewy base, with the perfect crunch in every bite.

My personal favorites include the peanut butter, sunflower butter, new blueberry cashew, new dark chocolate almond, and banana-almond butter. The truth is, you can't go wrong with any of them, and there really is a flavor for everyone. Can't decide? No worries, they have a sample pack you can try here. There's also a line of thrive bars and mini bars you can try too. 

If you're looking to elevate your snack, you can eat the bars in any way you want: on a smoothie, on oatmeal, on toast, as a sandwich filled with nut butter, on a hike, with a friend, baked in the oven (I have actually done this. 10/10 experience, would recommend).

Ready to give them a try? Find a store near you on their website. You won't be let down, I guarantee it.