
Why Macklemore’s New Song “Let’s Eat” Should Be Your Foodie Anthem

Macklemore and Ryan Lewis released their new Album “This Unruly Mess I’ve Made” February 26th, and it’s musical gold. If you haven’t had time to listen to it, do your ears a favor and change that now, and for those of you that are on top of things, kudos.

Being a #foodie means that eating is always on the mind, and after listening to Macklemore & Ryan Lewis’s new song “Let’s Eat” it’s taken that to a whole new level. After getting past the catchiness of his new song, you will hear Macklemore dictate literally all of our thoughts during the struggle of trying to start a diet, attempt to lose weight, and resist the urge to shove every fatty food in our mouths; relatable.

Don’t believe that “Let’s Eat” should be your anthem? I think otherwise:

“I woke up, threw some sweat pants on.”

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Sounds like my Sunday morning – except I’m already waking in up in sweatpants. So elastic and so necessary. Sweatpants on a Sunday set a precedent for the rest of the day, so be sure to cancel absolutely any plans you have (except brunch).

“And I really want a donut, shouldn’t get a donut. Bought a donut, f*** it man it’s really hard. Supposed to be on a diet.”

Photo by Phoebe Melnick

The internal struggle between being healthy and not grabbing that gooey, glazed donut for breakfast can tear you apart. We feel your pain Macklemore, we too cannot resist the urge of a glazed over piece of dough in the morning.

“But f*** it man I love fried shit.”

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Need I explain more? Fried oreos – yes. Fried eggs – yes. Fried tequila shots – hell yes (because what’s better than getting drunk and fat at the same time?)

“I was gonna get skinny for the summer. I was gonna start doing my crunches.”

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But you didn’t. You grabbed your laptop, the softest blanket you could find, and some Mackleroni and cheese and settled into your bed for a wild night of binge-watching Netflix shows.

“But looking down at my stomach. I’ma go to the beach, but I’m not taking my shirt off in public.”

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Because sometimes we can all be a little self-conscious. Trying to get the beach bod is hard, ya feel? Especially after rationalizing that that second cookie for breakfast was a good idea and that you didn’t really need to go to the gym that day.

“My girl shaped like a bottle of Coke. Me? I’m shaped like a bottle of nope.”

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But like… what if it was diet coke? What then Macklemore? We know those other bottles we consumed over the weekend aren’t solving this problem either, but at least now we’re drinking something with the word ‘diet’ in it, right?

“I’d like to order a hot dog, some bonbons, a large soda, and some tacos to go.”

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Literally every hungry college student when they finally have time to eat. #Sorrynotsorry if we get too excited looking at the menu. Seriously so many possibilities.

“I never knew what a carbohydrate was. Turns out that it’s all the snacks I love.”

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Devastation is an understatement. Forget YOLO, this is the motto. Sorry, Drake. And calories?!? Don’t even get Macklemore started on those, they’re in EVERYTHING.

“You know I feel good about this cake. You know I just love how it tastes. I’m not gonna wait, I’m not tripping about my weight, no.”

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Because we all need to be body positive. So go for that corner slice of cake with the extra frosting, because Macklemore says that you CAN have your cake and eat it too.

“Everybody got a resolution. But the next day, we forget about it never do ’em.”

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Lol so much for trying to eat organically and go to the gym at least two times a week. Those were a nice couple days. You win some you lose most.

“I went to the gym and got a membership. Five minutes on the treadmill and I never lift. That was four years ago, I should probably cancel this”

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That pretty much sums it all up. And now you’re too scared to go back there and face those beautifully toned people behind the counter. I mean c’mon what’s another year of not canceling this membership…

“But tomorrow, though, I’ma get fit. Get me a fuel band and a Fitbit.”

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And even if I don’t make it to the gym, look how many steps I took today!! Ya I took the stairs instead of the elevator to the second floor, can’t you tell by my newly defined calve muscles?

“I woke up and I felt like shit. And I said, ‘you know what, man f*** it. I should probably start on Monday instead.'”

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And the cycle repeats every Monday. So much inspiration on Sunday and yet so little motivation on Monday.

“Motherf***er, let’s eat.”

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Dig in fam.

Here are some more relatable songs to jam out to: