
Why Every USFSP Student Should Join Burg CrossFit

Swimsuit season is around the corner! And now is a great time to start shedding those pounds and getting ripped. Say goodbye to that muffin top, adios to arm flab and hello to that tight, little booty you want to rock for Spring Break 2017! CrossFit will change your life. But even better, Burg CrossFit will help you stay fit and take your training to a new level as you plow through this semester at school. Dig out those sneakers because every USFSP student should join the hottest box in St. Pete. Here's why:

It's Mostly Millennials

Unlike your typical name brand gym that's full of stale snow birds and snooty soccer moms, Burg CrossFit is almost all millennials. Just about everyone working out is post-grad age, making the energy feel young, fresh and fun.

Killer WODS

There's no doubt about it, the WODS (workouts of the day), will kick your as$. Even though each workout is only 60 minutes, they are jammed packed with lifting, endurance, strength training and stretching. WODS are posted on the BurgFit app, Wodify, the night before so you know ahead of time what you'll be doing in each class. This also comes in handy when you need to give yourself a little pep talk for the as$ kicking you're guaranteed to get in class. Disclaimer: You WILL be sore. 

The Coaches Are Top Notch 

The head coaches at Burg are badasses. They're all certified in various levels of CrossFit coaching and they are committed to providing you with exceptional instruction. Each coach has a different teaching style but lucky for you, they're constantly rotating classes, so you get to train with all of them.  

Versatile Class Offerings

No matter what kind of workout you like, there is a class at Burg CrossFit for you. Drop in to the Burg Barbell Club if want to lift some serious lead or check out the Endurance class if you want to increase your stamina. The BurgFit class is a light/moderate combo of weights and aerobics while the CrossFit class is a high intensity workout performed at maximum effort. Don't be intimidated, newbies - there are scaled versions of the workouts so all fitness levels can fully participate.

If you're in the market for something a little more chill, Burg Yoga will rejuvenate both your mind and your muscles. Last but not least, if you prefer one-on-one training, get a private sesh where the coach will put together an entire workout specifically designed for just for you.

Sweet Swag

Sure, all gyms sell gear but the swag at Burg CrossFit is dope. The pro shop stocks Burg wrist wraps, hats, tanks, tees, hoodies as well as water bottles, supplements and vetted meal replacements. New merchandise arrives all the time and if there's something with the Burg logo you'd like to sport but don't see in stock, hit up a coach and they'll get it printed for you. 

Join Already!

New members, specifically those who are new to CrossFit, are required to complete Burg's Foundations Course - a series of 3 private lessons - to learn CrossFit basics, safety, and training methodology prior to entering a regular class. In addition to the private lessons, you also get a nutritional consultation, a goal setting meeting and a FMS (functional movement) screening.

Burg is open Monday-Friday 6am-8:30pm, Saturdays 8-10:30am and Sundays 10:30am-Noon. Hit up their website for the latest class offerings or to schedule your first training session!