
Why EQ Matters More Than IQ

Modern society very much values the benefits of IQ and all it can offer. This quality, which often has to do with genetics, is not something people can do much to improve on. Other important components of life are often forgone for this mantra of productivity, efficiency, and intelligence. One of these other qualities that is brushed under the rug is EQ. So what is EQ, how can you get more of it, and why is it so different than IQ?

What is EQ?

EQ, or emotional intelligence, is defined as, "the ability to identify and manage your own emotions and the emotions of others," according to Psychology Today. EQ is comprised of three main skills:

1. Emotional awareness.

2. Facilitating the application of emotions through processes such as thinking and problem solving.

3. The ability to manage and regulate emotions.

In essence, those who have a high EQ are more self-aware, empathetic, grateful, and agents of change. In addition, these individuals seem to live more balanced lives, striving for progress and happiness rather than perfection.

Why is EQ so Important?

Statistics show that employers are not just looking for employees with higher IQs, but are focusing an employee's social compatibility and outlook rather than pure intelligence. The success of those with high EQs is strongly influenced by personal qualities like perseverance, self-control, and skills in getting along with others. Basically, it's just another kind of smart.

According to entrepreneur, 2,100 employer clients like Zillow and 1-800-CONTACTS work hard to better connect with both employees and job seekers on employment websites. They know that in order to preserve their working culture and to effectively recruit the right candidates, they need to be open and transparent.

How Does EQ Compare With IQ?

Employees with high EQs are better able to work in teams, adjust to change, and be flexible. Regardless of the number degrees or other on-paper qualifications you have, if you don’t have certain emotional qualities, you're unlikely to succeed. As the workplace continues to change, and society begins to shift the spotlight from the intelligent to the capable, these qualities are more important than ever.

That's not to say people with high IQs are not capable, but the professional world is becoming more aware of the success rate of individuals with a high EQ. Rather than just banking on a high IQ, businesses needing more in such a culture increasingly focused on consumer satisfaction and team projects.

How can I Increase My EQ?

Luckily, EQ is something you work at and improve throughout the course of your professional career. It might seem like a daunting task, but there are countless ways you can tweak your mindset and daily activities to foster a more positive, more efficient environment.

Follow this guideline from psychology today, which provides insight on 10 ways to enhance your emotional intelligence. Some tips include listening to your body, connecting your feelings with your thoughts, and tuning into your conscious feelings. If you're in need of more advice, don't forget to check out these life hacks and Forbes.

It can definitely seem overwhelming to raise your EQ, but I promise these small improvements will make all the difference for you, the people around you, and your career. And that's something to be happy about.