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Why Childhood Food Shouldn’t Be Left in Our Childhood

When we were children, there were specific foods that were dedicated just to us; such as peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, Lunchables, and anything offered on the kid’s menu at restaurants.

As we got older, we’ve taken to eating adult foods despite claiming that adulting is hard. With this being said, why is it frowned upon for us adults to eat our favorite childhood foods?

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Why can’t we all just be kids on the inside?

The thing with most restaurants is that they don’t understand that just because we might be deemed as “adults” on our birth certificates, it doesn’t mean that we all want to eat adult foods. 

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Truth is, we enjoy eating chicken fingers and fries just as much as kids do. Yet for some strange reason, kids get to order chicken fingers and fries off of the kids menu and we don’t. On the other hand, us “adults” are forced to either order them separately as appetizers on the adult menu and pay almost twice the price or opt for boring foods, such as salad.

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As a recently college grad, I’d like to know just one thing – are the ingredients in kid’s foods different than those used in adult dishes? How come it’s acceptable for children to eat certain ingredients yet it’s a problem for adults to eat these same ingredients, but in smaller portions?

Some adults want to experience nostalgia in terms of their childhood by eating their favorite childhood foods, and why shouldn’t they be able to? Just because they may be adults doesn’t mean that they have to always order adult food.

Please, just let us adults be able to eat what we want, when we want, and please make adult versions of our favorite childhood foods without making us pay double the price.

Liz is a 25-year-old freelance writer that's based in Brooklyn, New York with her foster cat, Leif. Liz has received her start in the media world at Spoon University, and has acquired over 3.8 million views on her Spoon articles alone with millions more views on her syndicated content while finding her appreciation for consuming and producing branded content. Liz also has her articles syndicated on Business Insider, Insider, MSN, and Teen Vogue in addition to having her most popular article cited by Elite Daily. Liz has also contributed to YourTango and Entrepreneur.When Liz isn't writing, Liz is probably listening to music, walking around aimlessly like the hot mess that she is, cuddling with her cat, consuming new food dishes and drinks, at an event, at therapy with her one and only therapist that she absolutely adores, at an appointment with someone from her medical team, making up random dance moves in her bedroom, or figuring out what to do with herself. Liz's favorite cheese is feta and a pet peeve of hers is when people don't use the word "simultaneously" in the right manner.To get in touch with Liz, she can be reached at itslizab@gmail.com, @astrrisk on Instagram, and on LinkedIn. Liz is always down to be invited to an event or to talk about food, booze, and mental health. Liz's pronouns are she/her/hers.Please be patient when getting in touch with Liz - she probably is unaware as to what day it is, and might be dancing for her therapist.... to the Macarena, of course.