
Why All College Students Need a Fasta Pasta in Their Life

Imagine coming back to your dorm after a long night at the library or a wild night out and in just 10 minutes, a perfectly cooked bowl of pasta is in front of you. This may seem like the dream or an impossible magic trick, but it's not. Making pasta without a kitchen, boiling water, or a pot and strainer–impossible right? Nope. Enter the Fasta Pasta – the plastic box that changed my life as a broke and hungry college student.

The Fasta Pasta is a small rectangular box that cooks perfect pasta every time. Retailing on Amazon Prime for just $10 dollars, this is a must for any student or lazy chef. Everything you need to cook pasta, minus the dishes. Built in to the design are measuring lines for both pasta and water and even a strainer. Here are the incredibly simple steps to making perfect pasta in the Fasta Pasta.

1. Pick your pasta.

The Fasta Pasta can cook any pasta in no time. From spaghetti, fresh ravioli, gnocchi or penne, it doesn't discriminate. I personally like to keep a box of spaghetti and penne in my dorm at all times for a quick meal if needed. A fun way to spice it up is to use gluten-free, brown rice, or chickpea pasta (I buy these at Whole Foods) to eliminate the bore of eating regular pasta every night.

2. Fill the box with your portion of pasta.

The lid of the Fasta Pasta has two circles for easy portioning of pasta. The smallest circle is for one portion and the larger one is for two. Never make the mistake of cooking too little or too much pasta again. 

3. Fill the box up to the desired water line.

The box itself has marked lines to guide how much water each serving size requires. For one serving, fill the water up to the 1 line on the box.  

4. Microwave pasta for the instructed cooking time.

The beauty of the Fasta Pasta is that it cooks perfectly cooked pasta right in your microwave. Set your cook timer to 10 minutes and come back when it's ready. The box comes with a nifty guide on how long each serving size and type of pasta needs to be cooked. The best part, however, is that no stirring or worrying about boiling water is required. You can do something else while you wait. 

5. Strain your pasta. 

Once you grab your Fasta Pasta out of the microwave, pop the lid back on and use the strainer side to pour the excess water into your sink. 

6. Serve it up.

In just 6 to 10 short minutes, your portioned, delicious, and cooked pasta awaits. Now the fun part— dressing up your pasta. Will it be olive oil, butter, tomato sauce, carbonara, or cheese sauce? The options are literally endless, so be creative and wow your friends with your gourmet pasta dish. 

Michelin Star restaurant or dorm room? The Fasta Pasta can be your gourmet secret. Cook up meals in no time and eat like a king in the comfort of your own dorm. Even if you aren't a college student, I say that the Fasta Pasta is a time-saving must-buy. I mean, clearly, I can't stop raving about it.