Obviously your college major has to have something do with your preferences, right? Here are the perfect ice cream flavors, specified to your studies, to pair with that late night study sesh.
1. Environmental Studies – S’mores

Photo by Sara Wu
Channel your love for the outdoors with this classic campfire-inspired treat. This creamy combination of chocolate ice cream, toasted marshmallow and graham cracker swirls will give you the energy to get back out in the field and keep up with your research.
2. Communications – The Tonight Dough

Photo courtesy of benandjerrys.com
As a communications major, you might have a soft spot for talk show hosts like Jimmy Fallon, who inspired this absolutely unreal Ben and Jerry’s creation. And even if you’re not a fan of the digital king of late-night TV, this flavor will still majorly impress you. It’s got two types of ice cream, plus chocolate chips and peanut butter cookie dough.
3. Business – Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough

Photo courtesy of Ksenia Andreeva from flickr.com
You were born to wear a suit and smooth-talk your way into getting what you want. However, as serious as you may seem on the outside, everyone has a weakness for warm chocolate chip cookies, or better yet, chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream. Simple and classy.
4. Pre-Med – Half Baked Froyo

Photo by Maya Detwiller
If you’re choosing to dedicate your life to helping other people get healthy, it may be a good idea to practice what you preach. Don’t be worried, though – if every low cal, low fat option tasted like this, we’d all be on diets. You can always compromise with the FroYo option.
5. Art – Cherry Garcia

Photo by Mairin Daubert
You’ve got an eye for design unlike anyone else, and chances are you’re a Deadhead born 20 years too late. Those gobs of cherry and fudge could be inspiration for your next creative masterpiece.
6. Theatre – Red Velvet Cake

Photo courtesy of theicecreaminformant.com
So your dream is to walk the red carpet. How about the next best thing? The decadence of this ice cream will surely inspire you to go practice your lines.
7. Engineering – Pistachio

Photo courtesy of theicecreaminformant.com
Just as there aren’t many die-hard pistachio lovers, there aren’t too many people who enjoy the task of taking things apart and putting them back together for fun. Take pride in your unique and creative ability by indulging in this delicious and different flavor.
8. Education – Milk and Cookies

Photo courtesy of theicecreaminformant.com
If you’ve planned to spend the rest of your life with children, you better get used to snack time. And what better way to bring back your childhood than by enjoying milk and cookies, an all-time favorite of everyone under the age of six.
9. Mathematics – Mint Chocolate Cookie

Photo courtesy of theicecreaminformant.com
Just like a math major, peppermint is one of the more traditional flavors of ice cream. Don’t be fooled, though, this ice cream is anything but conventional. You could be up all night trying to count all the chocolate sandwich cookies loaded into this sweet treat.
10. History – American Cone Dream

Photo courtesy of walmart.com
To quote Ben and Jerry’s actual description: “This pint contains 1776% of your recommended daily allowance of freedom! It may be illegal to lick the Lincoln Memorial, but with this ice cream you can do the next best thing and lick liberty!” What better way to honor your country and your major?
11. Biology – Phish Food

Photo by Michael Verhoef
We also suggest Chunky Monkey, for obvious reasons. Plus, a portion of the royalties Phish receives from this flavor goes towards environmental efforts for the Lake Champlain Watershed in Vermont.
12. Economics – Coffee, Coffee BuzzBuzzBuzz

Photo courtesy of benandjerrysfanatic.blogspot.com
You’re probably really busy. Maybe even too busy to get all the way through this post. Here’s an alternative form for your coffee fix.
13. Psychology – Chocolate Therapy

Photo courtesy of benandjerrys.com
You’re the go-to person for advice in your friend group, and you actually enjoy listening to other people’s problems. Sometimes all it takes is a little bit of chocolate to make someone’s day. Let’s be real, you can’t be sad while you’re eating ice cream.
14. Music – That’s My Jam Core

Photo by Amanda Shulman
Your keen sense of harmonies make you sensitive to picking the perfect ice cream flavor combination. With a raspberry core center, this pint gives you the opportunity to choose your own flavor destination. What will it be first? Chocolate, raspberry, or fudge? Be the Debussy of your dessert.
15. Undecided – Everything But The…

Photo by Julie Rub
If the thought of choosing only one major makes you want to cringe, I’m guessing you’re one of those people who holds the freezer door open and blocks all the other shoppers while you’re trying to pick out a single flavor of ice cream. Lucky for you, B&J’s already got you covered with this combination that has just about everything you could ever want in a single pint.