
Where To Go And Where To Avoid On Your Girl Dates in Newark

All is right in the world again. Summer is on the horizon, frat houses are back to their full capacities, and sorority recruitment is over. It’s not for everyone, but the growing popularity has led hundreds of girls like myself have found new friends that will soon be family. Coffee shops are fuller than ever as girls are on the hunt for the next most exciting part of being in a sorority: a big. If you didn’t know, that 20-year-old that a girl her same age just called mom is probably a big. A big is someone girls hope to confide in, laugh at, and share a dozen donuts with.The process of finding this perfect person is just as stressful and exciting as regular dating. Here are some tips on the best and worst places to meet one of the first true loves of your life:

Go: Brew Ha Ha

Photo By Casey Irwin

It is hard to find someone who is not down to meet at Brew. Their selection is perfect for not having to worry about your date finding something they like. The only problem comes from the amount of traffic that it picks up during prime girl-date season, but you can easily get a seat if you manage to be as savage as everyone else. The warm weather has made it easier to bond over the growing selection of iced coffee and whether you drink it all year or not.

Avoid: Trabant

Photo By Gill Zucker

As much as points are a great thing to use instead actual cash, the loud chatter and full tables should be a last resort. If you do find yourself at Trabant, search for a seat early. Peet’s Coffee provides that caffeine fix to get you through those pre-date nerves, but it isn’t going to taste the same or give you the same conversation topic as your favorite main street drink.

Go: Central Perk

Photo by Caroline Grew

Still somewhat of a hidden gem to us freshman, Central Perk provides a bigger variety for our diets without the necessity of a full meal if you don’t want it. Like Brew, it can get pretty crowded at the peak times of the day. Avoid those and you’re golden.

Avoid: Any Actual Sit Down Restaurant

Photo By Casey Irwin

As much as you want another reason to go to Chipotle, no one needs to shove a whole meal down your throat in order to finish the girl date before your next class, especially when you have three more girl dates that same day. The only time this is not a choking hazard is when you make it into a group date, like splitting nachos at Kate’s, which spreads out each individual’s need to talk.

Go: Your Favorite Place

Whether it’s on this list or not, show your big your foodie passion with your favorite ice cream shop or let her know where you stand in the Chipotle versus El Diablo debate if you really must.

Might as well take these into consideration on a real date too. Either way, don’t forget to relax and always resort to talking about food.

Ready to eat like a real sorority girl? Check these out:

13 Ways Every Sorority Girl Reacts to Food, as Told By Mean Girls GIFS

What You Should and Shouldn’t Eat During Sorority Rush

8 Sorority Sisters Holding a Baking Competition