
What Your Ottawa Coffee Shop of Choice Says About You

Everybody has their own coffee routine. Some people can't even think before their morning cup, some like an afternoon pick me up, and some use it to stay awake for a long night of studying. Regardless of when you drink it, we all have our go to coffee shop.

Aside from being delicious, your hot cup of java provides you with several benefits that go unnoticed. Did you know that caffeine helps to improve memory, mood, vigilance, energy levels, reaction times and cognitive function?

Being the avid coffee-drinker that I am, I have explored my way through Ottawa one coffee shop at a time. Along the way, I have noticed that not only does your order say a lot about you as a person, but so does the label on the cup. 

Here are some of Ottawa's top coffee shops. You're lying if you say you don't frequent one of these places so we know you want to read on and see what your coffee shop choice says about you


This is about as basic as it gets. A Starbucks can be found on nearly every corner of Ottawa. These customers are willing to pay $7 for a latte just because they know that no matter what Starbucks they go to it'll always taste the same. They rack in points like it's their day job and proudly flaunt their gold member card. These customers are reserved and enjoy routine and regularity within their day to day lives. 

#SpoonTip: try making this healthy Frappuccino recipe at home to save a few extra bucks and calories.


These folks tend to think they're better than Starbucks drinkers when in reality they're practically the exact same. They pride themselves on being unique, straying away from the mainstream obsession with Starbucks. I'll admit, these customers tend to be a little more down-to-earth. After all, Bridgehead does use coffee beans that are fairly-traded, organic and shade-grown only from small scale farmers.

Regardless of their ethical practices, the only thing different between Starbucks and Bridgehead is the name on the sign. Oh, and at Bridgehead you don't have to pay extra to swap regular milk for soy milk. I'll give you props for that one, Bridgehead.

Planet Coffee

These individuals incorporate coffee into their regular, day-to-day routine. Whether they grab some on their way to a big meeting or meet with clients over a fresh brew, you will never find these business driven individuals with less than 500mg of caffeine in their body. Professionalism and sophistication are key at Planet Coffee. You can find a wide range of business students, to CEOs, to young entrepreneurs inside this Ottawa coffee shop. 


Origin is a little hidden gem tucked inside the Byward Market. You're likely to find the studious hipsters hanging out here. They use Origin as a place to hit the books during the day, then kick back and sample local craft beers at night. These folks care about keeping life simple, that's why they choose to hang out at a coffee shop with a communal, down-to-earth vibe. 

Tim Hortons

These are the good ol' Canadian folks who like to stay true to their roots. They're willing to drink the mediocre-at-best coffees served up at Timmies for the sake of flaunting how Canadian they truly are. During the summer months you can catch them keeping cool with Tim's famous Iced Capps. As for winter, winning at roll up the rim is more exciting for them than winning the lottery. Tim Hortons may run out of doughnuts now and again, but there is never a shortage of plaid.

Ministry of Coffee

Calling all political guru's of Ottawa, lo and behold the Ministry of Coffee. Inside, you're likely to find all political science, public affairs, and international development majors. They're probably sipping their coffee while dreaming of working on Parliament Hill as the next prime minister. They are goal-oriented individuals; they know what they want in life and are willing to do whatever it takes to get it.

Next time you drop into one of these coffee shops take a look around and see who's buying coffee next to you. You may have never realized the type of people hanging out at your favourite spot but after reading this article, you might start to notice how everyone in the shop is just like you.