Football season is without a doubt one of the best times of the year. Both school spirit and beer consumption reach a peak and everyone seems to be in a great mood every weekend. Even if you’re not a huge sports fan, you can still love football season thanks to the beauty of tailgating.
Tailgating offers the best of both worlds: Vague sports talk and tons of delicious food. We all have our go-to tailgate foods, and personally, I think “you are what you eat” can be taken quite literally in these regards. Find out what your favorite tailgate foods says about you here:
Breakfast Sandwich – The “Ron Swanson”

Photo by Alissa Rothman
You’re a no-frills kind of person who takes tailgating very seriously. You know you need some serious sustenance in the morning to make it through an entire day of tailgating. Whether you swing by the McD’s drive-thru and pick up a few (…dozen) breakfast sammies or you make your own, you know that a buttery English muffin filled with ham and cheese is the perfect way to kick off the day.
Taco Dip – The Friendly Guest

Photo by Amanda Gajdosik
You’re the fan favorite. You appreciate a beautifully-layered taco dip and you admire the thoughtfully selected queso and salsa condiments. You’re constantly being invited to family tailgates because you always offer to help clean up after and never show up without a 12-pack to share. You are beloved and appreciated, much like this classic tailgate snack.
Hamburger – The All-American

Photo by Elyse Belarge
You’re a classic tailgater. You know that tailgating means grilling out some down-home American cuisine and you’ll be damned if you don’t eat at least 3 burgers during the span of the game. You love to have fun and definitely own multiple American flag-themed shirts and bandanas.
Pasta Salad – The Floater

Photo by Katherine Richter
You’re incredibly “go-with-the-flow.” You love whatever food is provided at a tailgate because, hello, it’s free food, so who are you to complain? You’re comfortable talking to anyone, but you’re also comfortable with just chilling in the corner lawn chair while sipping a Smirnoff Ice.
Any Baked Good – The Sports “Tolerator”

Photo by Izzi Clark
You’re not much of a sports fan, but you still deck yourself out in your school’s colors and accept the obligatory high-fives whenever your team scores a touchdown. You cheer with the best of them and never turn down a game of bags (especially when you’re paired up with the cutest person at the tailgate). You’re super sweet and always fun to be around.
Buffalo Chicken Dip – The Charming Favorite

Photo by Hana Ezaldein
Bro, you are the life of the party. Just as buffalo chicken dip is everyone’s fave tailgate food, you’re everyone’s favorite person to be around. You constantly have a charming smile on your face and you’re quick to crack a witty joke to make everyone around you feel comfortable and included. You have it all, my friend.
“Just Beer, Thanks” – The True Sports Fan

Photo by Amelia Weller
You’re only at this tailgate for one of two reasons: You’re deadly serious about sports or you just really want to get drunk. Either way, you’re skipping all of the food and going straight for the Bud Light in the cooler. If your team wins, you’re the happiest person in the world and everyone wants to be your best friend. If your team loses, however, everyone better make sure your Solo cup is full at all times.