
What You Should Be Eating After an Intense Workout

Many think not eating after a workout is the way to get a good lookin’ bod but your body needs food right after it’s worked so dang hard. It’s key to eat and drink nutritient dense foods to help your muscles perform better.

Exercise is only half the battle of getting in shape; eating healthy foods during your body’s metabolic window will actually make those 150 pushups you did in front of the cute girl who walked by go a long way.

1. Chocolate milk (personal favorite)

Photo by Ella Storey

I started drinking chocolate milk when I was around 10 and ALWAYS dip my cookies in chocolate milk. But when I heard someone say that chocolate milk is one of the best drinks to have after working out I thought they were kidding.

Chocolate contains energy filled carbs and riboflavin to help your muscles recover from a good workout. The protein from a low fat milk also helps muscles heal, burn unwanted fat cells, and the calcium aids bone density.

2. Grilled chicken and vegetables

Photo by Ella Storey

If you like working out right before dinner time, this is an awesome and light post-workout workout meal. Protein of chicken and high nutrients of cooked  vegetables make a highly satisfying meal that won’t leave you groaning for more. Personally, I think sautéd onions and mushrooms go best with the chicken but any vegetable works.

3. Omelet with broccoli, spinach, and peppers

Photo by Ella Storey

Eggs are a great source of protein and only have around 70 calories each. Vitamin D is hard to find in many foods and well, eggs have that too. Omelets are a great way to eat a large amount, without throwing away your hard work at the gym. Dig in to all the nutritious value the eggs and veggies have to offer.

4. Orange juice

Photo by Ella Storey

A tall glass of orange juice is not only cold and refreshing, but also helps the body hydrate after a sweaty workout by providing a large amount of potassium. Perfect for a morning workout, this sweet and tangy drink is essential because it will keep energized for the rest of the day.

5. Whole wheat pita and hummus

Photo by Ella Storey

A great substitute for classic chips and dip, this snack is awesome after a tough workout. It’s a good vegetarian protein alternative that also provides healthy carbohydrates to keep you full until your next meal.

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