Subway hasn’t been doing so hot since it was discovered that an ingredient found in yoga mats was also found in their bread last year (what??). While they’ve since modified their bread recipe, Subway now faces a new challenge: removing antibiotics from their meat.

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Late last month, Subway officials announced that they plan to switch to chicken raised without antibiotics by next year. So what’s the issue? Many organizations are questioning Subway’s suspicious lack of detail on their plan. With no specific timetable given, it’s leaving people wondering whether Subway is just spittin’ BS.
If you’re anything like me, you know nothing about antibiotics or why they’re bad in the first place. So I did some research for you. Factory farm animals are given the same antibiotics that we humans are given, and this has led to an increase in antibiotic-resistant bacteria that have been making people sick all around the world. The Center for Disease Control estimates that 2 million people are infected with drug resistant bacteria every year. Is that worth your meatball sub??

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In a new report released by various public health groups, Subway received a big fat “F” based on their use of antibiotics in their meat supply. Chipotle and Panera Bread of course received “A”s (God bless). It looks like its time for Subway to step up its game… Even McDonalds committed to removing antibiotics from their chicken months before Subway.
If you want to hear something really crazy, listen to this: 80% of all antibiotics in the U.S. are used on factory farm animals. The reason why many of these animals need antibiotics is because they are sick from the gross, cramped conditions that they are forced to live under. Not cool.
I’m not saying you should go picket Subway (it’s the only place I can get a sandwich in the ten minutes between classes), but keep your eye out.
We’re watching you Subway.