
What Supermodels Eat During New York Fashion Week

February means a few things for us: Punxsutawney Phil, half-priced chocolate after the 14th, a calendar full of yummy “holidays” and most importantly, New York Fashion Week.

Photo by Sierra Conine

While most of us go about our daily lives, the glitterati congregate in billowing white tents and line the runways as they watch the unveiling of fall’s hottest collections by the world’s most notable names in fashion.

Fashion Week used to be solely about the clothes, more and more the models who wear the clothes have been gaining just as much, if not more, influence than the designers.

We’ve compiled a list of models’ go-to runway snacks and how they prep for staying healthy (and inevitably beautiful) in the weeks leading up to, and during, NYFW.


Photo by Sierra Conine

One golden rule FW models live by is that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. There’s no better way to get a source of protein and reduce inflammation than to start off a hectic Monday with omelets, frittatas or just good ol’ scrambled eggs.


Photo by Sierra Conine

Avocado is a staple among the NYFW goers because of its versatility and incredible health benefits. Have it on toast, in salad or by itself drizzled with olive oil — you can’t go wrong.


Photo by Caroline Liu

It’s important to stay hydrated throughout the long days; drinking water has many benefits that people aren’t aware of. Water not only gives you a feeling of a full stomach but it aids in digestion, can make you feel more energized, and is an important (and often overlooked) factor in skincare.


Photo courtesy of @KarlieKloss via Instagram

Karlie Kloss has created a cookie that is both yummy and wholesome. Her “kookies” are dairy-free, egg-free, and gluten-free and the supermodel and her friends can be seen pulling these sweet treats out of their bags in between walks and shows. You can even make them at home.

Chia Pudding

Photo by Brooke Bierhaus

This dairy-free, gluten-free, refined-sugar free breakfast is easy to eat on the go and even easier to make. Chia seeds not only offer a good source of protein but also is a good way to fill you up and suppress sneaky cravings.

Green Juice

Photo courtesy of @KarlieKloss on Instagram

Juices are convenient ways to get vitamins and nutrients amidst a crazy day of runway shows, offering everything from immunity boosting to the promise of a morning glow. Crowd favorite? Juice Press.

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