
Stress Eating During Finals, as Told by Angelica Pickles

From pulling all nighters with a bowl of popcorn to eating a pack of Oreos for breakfast before an 8 am final, we’ve all been there. Even though Angelica wasn’t old enough to take finals, she still feels our pain (so does Cynthia). Before you dig into that next bowl of popcorn, throw it back and let one of your favorite Rugrats show you what stress eating during finals really looks like.

When you realize finals week is coming up

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So many exams and papers, not enough time for Netflix.

When you get your final paper assignments

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You knew this moment was coming, but it still doesn’t ease the pain. Time to break out the comfort food.

When you go to your last class of the semester

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Chocolate for breakfast before your 8 am is totally acceptable, right?

When you’re officially done learning new material

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Gotta grab some popcorn for that review session.

When finals get closer

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*goes to Dunkin Donuts* “Two dozen munchkins, please. And three extra large coffees.”

When you make it a group activity

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You and your friends might start up a heated discussion about Dominos dropping the “Pizza” in their name.

When you take a look in the trash that’s been collecting

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So many sad, empty pints of Ben and Jerry’s.

When your mom asks if you’ve been going to the gym

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Send your mom a picture of you in gym gear before running to the store for another pack of Oreos.

When you actually have to study

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Gotta put that jar of peanut butter down and pick up that pencil.

Wanna try to eat the best you can this finals season? Read on: