
What is Teff? Behind the Gluten-Free Super Grain

Move over, quinoa. Teff, a relatively new super grain, is rising to prominence, with Ethiopian runners crediting it for their energy and health. Whether it's white, red or brown, the mildly-nutty grain is a simple addition to your diet that adds  variety to meals. Make a creamy porridge, spongy injera, or use it in your baked goods for a boost of both flavor and nutrition. Here's everything you need to know about teff.


Predominantly grown in Ethiopia and Eritrea, teff can withstand various conditions and produces a large amount of grain in a shorter amount of time than it takes wheat to produce grain. Look at injera, the staple bread in Ethiopian cuisine. Made from teff flour, this spongy sourdough flatbread is consumed alongside a variety of dips and spreads. 

Nutritional Value

Teff is only the size of a poppy seed, however, this super grain packs a serious nutritional punch. With eight amino acids and 10 grams of protein per cup, teff is ridiculously beneficial for people to consume. Ethiopians that consume teff receive roughly two-thirds of their dietary protein from it.

In terms of vitamins and minerals, teff provides you with 12 percent of your daily intake of calcium and vitamin B6; approximately 30 percent of iron, copper, phosphorus, thiamine and magnesium; and a whopping 360 percent of manganese. Oh, I haven't even mentioned that teff is great for heart health, high in dietary fiber with 7 grams per cup, and it aids digestion and regulates blood sugar levels. Talk about a serious multitasker.

How Do I Cook Using Teff?

Okay, so it's established that teff is definitely healthy for you and contains a multitude of benefits. Now, how do you consume teff? Because of its small size, teff cooks pretty fast. Make 1 cup of dry teff using 3 cups of water or broth, and it'll be ready in around 20 minutes. Use teff as a substitute in recipes calling for quinoa or millet, or eat it as a porridge topped with fruits and nuts. 

If you're not too fond of it in grain form, try baking with teff flour. The nutty flavor of teff tastes delicious in muffins and breads. My personal favorite? Teff waffles or pancakes. Your gluten-free friends will adore you.

Teff, this up-and-coming super grain, is popular among Ethiopians, with its many health benefits. Between its high fiber content and its high protein content, teff is a super grain that you should try the next time you're wanting to switch things up. Not only is teff insanely healthy for you, but the nutty flavor of it will enhance any porridge or muffin around.