
What Is Kohlrabi? What to Know About This Veggie

If you've ever walked through a farmers market in the Fall or Winter and seen a lush pile of colorful root veggies, you've probably seen kohlrabi and not even been aware of its existence.  Although not a familiar vegetable, kohlrabi is hard to miss once you see it. Their leafy green tops stem from all over the bulbous purple veggie. Their name comes from the German words "kohl" (cabbage) and "rabi" (turnip). Therefore, kohlrabi actually means "cabbage turnip", a not all that appetizing name which might explain it's obscurity. Although usually displayed with the root vegetables, they are in fact cruciferous vegetables (aka related to cabbages, turnips, and broccoli). How underappreciated they must feel to be so misrepresented! Kohlrabi may be underappreciated, but they are delicious, nutritious, and deserve to be on your plate.  With that said, let's learn more about these alien veggies!

Kohlrabi for Beginners 

Kohlrabi is very versatile and can be eaten raw or cooked.  Coming in light green and purple, the bulbs have a thick skin and fibrous layer covering a crisp crunchy center. It tastes like a mild radish or broccoli stem while the leafy greens are very similar to mustard greens or chard.  When you're looking for them at the store or farmers market, try getting the smaller bulbs as they are more tender, flavorful, and actually have more nutritional benefits. If you do get the big ones, be sure to peel off both the skin and fibrous layer as they can be bitter and too fibrous to eat. The greens can be sauteéd with garlic and nutmeg (#spoontip: nutmeg will help complement the flavors of any leafy green) or used in salads as an alternative to your boring old lettuce.  This vegetable has unlimited potential and can be transformed a million ways. 

Why is this veggie good for me?

Versatility aside, let's talk about the health benefits because kohlrabi is going to be your best friend this flu season.  It's high in potassium, fiber, and has a lot of vitamin C (as in 70% of your recommended daily amount). That means not only is your stomach going to be happy, but your immune system will be as strong as ever! Long term, it has the ability to lower blood pressure and cholesterol, as well as prevent certain cancers. Can anyone say miracle veggie? 

Kohlrabi Time

Ok, now that you're an expert in kohlrabi, go forth into the world with this newfound knowledge and start cooking!  With kohlrabi's fresh mild flavor and health benefits, there's no reason for you not to love it.  Here are some amazing kohlrabi recipes to get you started:

- Roasted Kohlrabi with Parmesan

Shaved Kohlrabi with Apples and Hazelnuts

- Kohlrabi Home Fries

- Stir-Fried Kohlrabi with Bacon and Scallions

- Kohlrabi Salad with Cilantro and Lime

- German-style Creamy Kohlrabi