
What I Eat In A Day: A WFPB College Student

As a WFPB (whole food plant based) vegan, I adhere to some pretty specific dietary requirements. Here's a brief overview of what I eat on a regular basis. 

Nutrition Stats: My maintenance hovers around 1,400kcal daily- but I do workout for at least two hours every day. So, I shoot for around 1,700kcal per day. 

What Foods I Avoid: As a vegan, there are very prescriptive diet plans in which I follow to ensure that the food I am eating is ethical for animals and the people that produce it. I do not eat any animal products including dairy (caesin/whey included), eggs, meat, poultry, fish, or honey. I also don't eat refined sugar as it is often processed with bone char. I try to buy organic foods when I can, but it's often challenging on a college budget. 

"Whole Foods" is a broad description of foods that are often minimally-processed, nutrient dense, and free of additives. Although this means different things to different people, I consider whole foods to include nuts, seeds, fruits, veggies, and legumes. There are many foods on the market that are vegan and not "whole foods" such as OREOs, white bread, vegan candies, and meat alternatives (e.g. meatless burgers and soy-based chick'n). Although these foods might be good occasionally (and in moderation), I try to eat them infrequently. 

Breakfast (5am): Peanut Butter on Sprouted Grain Bread with Sliced Banana and Cinnamon

My most frequent breakfast option includes peanut butter! I usually buy peanut butter in bulk from the co-op because it doesn't include additives like palm oil and sugar. Since the bread is likely the most refined food I'll eat, I usually choose to buy sprouted grain bread from Angelic Foods or Dave's Killer Bread. I usually go through a loaf over three weeks, so I'll buy it on sale and stick it in the freezer when I can. 

If you're trying to maintain your weight, I recommend being mindful of your peanut butter portions. Each 2 tbsp. serving comes in at around 180kcal! If you're looking for a low-calorie alternative, you can try PB Fit Powder. 

Workout (6:30am) 

Post-Workout Snack (10am): 2 Rice Cakes or Apple) 

Apples are one of my favorite foods! I go through about a peck every two weeks. While my favorite varieties include Cortlands and Macouns, I'll settle for a Macintosh. If I'm feeling like a more plain food, I'll usually snack on some rice cakes. 

Lunch (11:30 or noon): Cup of Vegan Chili and Sliced Veggies 

I love preparing chili on the weekends and then just using it for meals during the week. If I don't have chili, I might use leftover curry or make some avocado chickpea salad. Usually, I eat lunch alongside some sliced carrots, celery, or peppers. 

Snack (2-3pm): More Veggies with Hummus or Guacamole

A key part of a healthy vegan diet is to include healthy fats. These will keep you satisfied for longer and help your brain function! I love including guacamole or hummus in my daily snack rotation. 

Dinner (5pm): Spicy Ginger Stir Fry Tempeh with Zoodles

I'm always a fan of recipes that manage to clear out my fridge as much as possible. Stir fry is usually one of them. My most recent stir-fry creation included tempeh, ginger, garlic, shallot, zoodles, peppers, and a sesame-amino sauce. Although the zoodles might appear light, they provide a fresh, light feeling to this dish. 

I don't usually eat dessert, but if I'm still hungry after dinner I might have some fruit (grapes and melons are great during the warmer months) or a small serving of nuts.