
We Blind Taste Tested Gross Foods to See How Senses Impact Flavor

Here at SpoonHQ we were inspired to find out just how much the taste of food relies on our other senses. To figure it out, we did a completely blind taste test — out came the blindfolds, headphones, and nose plugs (seriously).

We chose our victims, I mean, participants for the challenge from our SpoonHQ staff, and proceeded to feed them some, uh, interesting foods… Sorry, guys. We fed them sardines, cilantro, jalapeños, and more. You’re going to want to watch the video for the full story. 

Meet the Participants


Britney almost died eating a jalapeño for this video. Not all heroes wear capes. 


Mackenzie, leaf expert, is offended by the concept of tuna on a spoon. 


Brooke is a self-proclaimed supertaster who hates cilantro and cried at least twice under that blindfold. 


Reed likes it hot, but thinks that Vegemite is miserable. Jah feel? Jah definitely feel. 


Rachel’s breasts can totally tell when something is cheese. 


Elena looks really cute with those nose plugs, but found this entire thing “absurd.” Direct quote.


Sam is still unclear if she ate blue cheese or play dough. We’ll never tell.


Kodi was down for all this shiz and is way cuter than everyone in the video. He was voted best dressed at SpoonHQ.

Wanna see more taste tests? Check 'em out: