
What Costume to Wear on Halloween, Based on Your Favorite Candy

Every year around October 1st, people begin to panic about what the perfect Halloween costume is for this year. And if you're anything like me, you'll probably wait until the week before to even think about Halloween.

By far the easiest of all costumes, especially for college students, is a make-shift, DIY costume. And what is a better way than dressing up as your favorite candy? We've got you covered on what to wear.

Reese's Peanut Butter Cups

The best part of a Resse's is the peanut butter to chocolate ratio—it's somehow perfect with every bite. Like a Reese's, you go with the flow, and the results of your actions are always the right choice. You are artsy and creative, so make a DIY costume (food-related, maybe?) that expresses your true boho vibe. Grab your favorite lipstick and flower crown to be a flower child. 

Black Licorice

Your favorite candy probably relates to your personality—dark and devious. Go for a classic badass look, like a goth fairy or  vampire. 


Butterfingers are rich and sweet, while still being a classic fan favorite. You are a natural leader and everyone looks up to you. So for Halloween, you should go for a baseball or basketball player. 

Almond Joy

Almond Joy's hidden surprise is its almond center surrounded by coconut. You're a little nutty sometimes, too, and everyone loves your sense of humor. Stuck on ideas? Chazz Michael Michaels from Blades of Glory will have all your friends laughing. 


Starburst are sweet and take longer to eat than your typical candy. You are creative, patient, and have probably had Halloween ideas planned since last October. Go for a risky costume that may be out of your comfort zone, like a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle or a dead Barbie. 

Candy Corn

You went for the sugar overload, and you've probably had your fair share of cavities from this bad boy. Some people, like you, wait all year for this treat to make its way back on the shelves, and others dread it. So, go for something bold and creative, maybe like a "sexy Donald Trump?" We won't judge.


Admit it, you're all over the place. Much like Snickers, you can be salty and sweet, and sometimes people don't quite understand you. You appear mysterious to others, so you should be Batman. He is dark and mysterious, just like you. 

Sour Patch Kids

First you're sour, then you're sweet, right? Classic. Use your mood swings to your advantage this Halloween. You could go for a clever "half and half" costume, like half convict-half policeman.

Hershey Kiss

You are a classic chocolate lover and don't need any nougat or nuts in your candy bar. You should be an angel. You are sweet, pure, simple, and everyone loves you.  


Okay, let's be real. If your favorite candy is a breath mint, you need to get out more. That said, odds are you have no idea what to be for Halloween this year, and you probably won't know until the day of. 

All in all, you will undoubtedly find the perfect Halloween costume. With the help of your favorite food lovers, the process just got a whole lot easier. All you have to do is think of your favorite food or candy and do a little research.