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What Bougie Ice Cream Flavor to Try, Based on Your Favorite Summer Reality Show

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Binghamton chapter.

In my opinion, there are two sure indicators that summer has officially started: the ice cream truck is rolling around the block again and summer reality shows are premiering their newest seasons. Not to mention all the new Spoon articles bringing ice cream and summer reality shows together.

So, in honor of this article tradition, here is what bougie ice cream flavor you should try based on your favorite summer reality show. 

The Bachelorette: Rose Ice Cream

The rose ceremonies at the end of every episode of The Bachelorette—and The Bachelor!—are pretty iconic, and it’s safe to say that rose ice cream is just as much. Delicately flavored with rosewater and vanilla, there’s no way you wouldn’t want to accept this ice cream.

Big Brother: Earl Grey Tea Ice Cream

You may think being disconnected from your phone for a few days is no sweat, but try being disconnected for three months, plus living in a house with a bunch of strangers and having to evict one of them each week. In short, living in the Big Brother house is INTENSE.

Heck, just watching the houseguests on the show is enough to put you on edge. (Trust me, I’ve been there.) Which is why earl grey tea ice cream is the perfect snack while watching an episode: it is known for having a calming effect on people.

So You Think You Can Dance: Matcha Ice Cream

summer reality show sweet cream
Elise Fegler

So, you think it’s easy to dance for three minutes straight without getting tired? The dancers on SYTYCD may make it seem easy, but it’s possible they wouldn’t mind a little energy boost to keep them moving. 

Luckily, matcha comes in clutch with the sustained energy that can keep anyone going, and better yet, fails to spur the usual jitters that come with caffeinated beverages.

America’s Got Talent: Ube Ice Cream

summer reality show cake cream
Alia Nahra

Undoubtedly, America always has a new food craze that it’s raving about. (Food trends, FTW.) In the ice cream department, the most trending flavor just happens to be ube, aka purple yam. And the speed that this ice cream has taken over Instagram? Talk about talent.

Cherie Litvin

Binghamton '20

Cookie butter enthusiast that likes to dance in grocery aisles