
JMU Butt Challenge: Day 1

February scaries are here, and the tone of my rear is the spookiest of all. For all the other chicks sailing in a similar flat butt boat, I’ve come up with a week-long cure. I give you, the JMU Butt Challenge

For the next seven days, I’ll be leading some exercises around campus aimed at getting y’all on track for the booty of your dreams.

Peep a new article every day letting you know the butt exercise of the day, the best place to do it on campus, and how many reps to make it twerk.

I may not have any fitness expertise, but I’ve got a leotard and lots of second semester senior enthusiasm. So without any further ado, let’s kick it off Dukes.

Day 1:

What better way to begin than with some Rocky-esque exercise? If you want your tush toned, there’s no better place on campus to begin than the ISAT steps.

I had one freshman gen-ed in here and saw my life flash before my eyes every time I climbed up this disaster. I came to every class sweating, and today, that’s going to be a good thing.

The Exercise:

Stair Climbing. I challenge the Dukes participating in the challenge to jog up the ISAT steps five times, walking down in between sets. Follow the photos below for instructions and motivation. And be sure to tune in tomorrow for some more spirited toning.


For the first day I'll keep it simple. Instead of walking up the stairs, which I assume many of you do regularly, run up at a brisk pace. 

For a general rule of thumb, run at a pace where you don't think you could hold a conversation with someone. Pull a big bad wolf, huff and puff and blow those side-chicks down. That way you know you're working hard. 

After you've made it to the top, walk on down giving yourself a rest.

See you next week, Dukes!