
We Taste Tested 7 Super Random Soda Flavors, and Here’s What We Thought

The refreshing sound of a fizzing carbonated beverage climbing the inside of a glass is one of life’s simplest, yet most satisfying, pleasures. One hot day, I decided to ditch my typical afternoon Fresca and go on a spontaneous adventure to “Rocket Fizz,” a local franchise brimming with hundreds of interesting soda brands.

After purchasing seven of the most unconventional (yet potentially appetizing) flavors, I drove home for the ultimate soda taste test. The following sodas are ranked from worst to best (and I guarantee you’ll be shocked by the results).

7. Sweet Corn

Photo by Emily Beckman

After sniffing the small amount I had timidly poured in my glass, I immediately cringed at this farmer’s favorite. The aroma was reminiscent of overcooked cream corn my mother made during childhood.

Now don’t get me wrong, I am actually someone who really enjoys a good ear of corn now and again, but having it in the form of soda was even more warped than I had imagined.

I took a tiny sip and almost spit it across the room. Yep, that’s some bubbly corn alright.

Unless you would choose corn before a slice of the most decadent chocolate cake, don’t drink this soda. It’s not for the weak and certainly created for only the diehard corn lovers out there.

6. Bacon Soda

Photo by Emily Beckman

While I’m certainly not a bacon expert, this one smelled to me a little like Beggin’ Strips (you know, those treats for dogs?). However, you definitely can smell the crispy undertones of sizzling bacon and when you take a sip, there is a pungent bacon flavor for sure.

It’s not terrible, and if you’re someone who really loves bacon you might enjoy the strong bacon aftertaste that sticks with you for awhile.

5. Coffee Soda

Photo by Emily Beckman

As someone who refuses to attend lecture without a coffee in hand, I certainly have a deep appreciation for the morning cup o’ joe. In fact, I often will pass on the cream and sugar and just drink it o’naturale.

By taking on a coffee-flavored soda, I already had high expectations. I popped off the top and took a whiff. To me, it smelled oddly of maple syrup. Unfortunately, I wasn’t anymore thrilled once I took a sip. It tasted like maple syrup mixed with flat cola.

Not as bad as Sweet Corn or Bacon, but certainly nothing like coffee. Thanks, but I’ll be sticking to my morning Starbucks.

4. Chocolate Soda 

Photo by Emily Beckman

This was the first soda I picked up at the store. You can’t go wrong with chocolate, right? With a scent heavily reminiscent of  Tootsie Rolls, I was optimistic that I was about to go on a rich chocolatey journey like the gold-embellished label suggested.

Upon first sip, I definitely tasted the cocoa undertones, but rich was certainly not in my vocabulary for describing this soda. I’d be more inclined to call it extremely watered down hot chocolate.

3. Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Bites Soda

Photo by Emily Beckman

I love cream soda, and when I sniffed cookie dough soda for the first time that’s exactly what it reminded me of. Ultimately, this drink is a substantially sweeter version of its muse.

Personally, I enjoy those little cookie dough candy bites for their gritty sugary cookie dough texture; therefore I don’t find it as satisfying in soda form. However, this is a very sweet treat if you are looking for more of a dessert beverage.

2. Peanut Butter and Jelly Soda

Photo by Emily Beckman

After having a PB&J practically everyday from kindergarten to middle school, I was very excited to see my favorite childhood sandwich turned into a sweet beverage. The best way I could describe the soda’s flavor was a melted strawberry DumDum lollipop.

If you like strawberries and cavity-inducing sweetness, this bottle of pop is calling your name. But be warned, it’s BYOPB (bring your own peanut butter).

1. Pumpkin Soda

Photo by Emily Beckman

For all you PSL lovers, this one’s for you. This is the soda edition of the pumpkin spice latte. I found this soda to be surprisingly delicious with a sweet pumpkin flavor and smooth undertones of fall spices. The aftertaste definitely holds a strong, delicious pumpkin flavor as well.

Indeed, an overall success.

Photo by Emily Beckman

Now, don’t just take my word for it. Invite some friends over and give ’em a try yourself.

Want more sugary beverages in your life? Check out these articles: