We’ve all heard it — this so-called “War on Christmas.” The coining of this phrase sprang from the far-right John Birch Society that in 1959 claimed the UN was initiating an assault on Christmas after using UN symbols as Christmas decorations in department stores across the nation. Today, the “War on Christmas” has manifested almost all aspects of our lives — we can’t even order our favorite Pumpkin Spiced Latte at Starbucks without hearing about the red cup controversy!

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In a society that’s increasingly placing more emphasis on political correctness, we often feel the need to somewhat filter whatever it is that comes out of our mouths. “Happy Holidays!” is viewed as being anti-Christian, and yet “Merry Christmas!” doesn’t represent the many other December holidays.

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Let’s just be clear that this “War on Christmas” is complete BS (click here to watch Jon Stewart explain why in a hilarious fashion). No one’s going to come barging into your house to tear down your Christmas tree and stockings. And no one can force you to trade in your limited edition Christmas sweater, and play a game of Dreidel. It seems that people nowadays like to argue for argument’s sake, which has sadly led this whole controversy over Christmas to get way out of hand.

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For Christ’s sake (pun intended), let people celebrate whatever holiday it is they want to celebrate, and call a green pine tree whatever it is they want to call it! Waging a war on Pringles’ Holiday flavors, or the fact that none of Pillsbury’s cookies does Kwanzaa any justice is simply pointless. Please don’t go boycotting green and red M&Ms, or protesting that an ice cream’s Seasonal eggnog flavor be renamed a Christmas flavor.

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I don’t think anyone could’ve explained it better than Jon Stewart does. On his daily show featuring the topic of, “The War on Christmas–S#@t’s Getting Weird Edition,” Stewart comedically claims how the very essence of Christmas is under attack by basically, well, everyone. From the claim of the Festivus pole as a symbol of protest against Christmas’ nativity scene to the debate on Santa’s race, the War on Christmas is so easily fueled by blowing harmless details and observations way out of proportion. So much so that shit really is getting weird.
Those who feel the need to establish Christmas as the sole important December holiday, perhaps are those trying to avoid diversity in America. However, what they must realize is that while America is becoming more so of a “melting pot,” their cultural traditions and celebrations need not be changed as well. Christmas isn’t going anywhere, and neither are the hundreds of other holidays celebrated in the month of December.

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Being in the midst of the holiday season, we should all be taking time to celebrate and enjoy the company of our family and friends. At least one thing we can safely agree on, it’s the food. From Latkes and Christmas cookies to fruitcakes and meat pies, food is the real important matter at hand, not this “War on Christmas.”