
The Unofficial 2016 Victoria's Secret Fashion Show Drinking Game

It's finally the holiday season, which means we have a free pass to binge eat and play drinking games all in the name of family time. No one really cares about weight gain because it's cold out and you need that extra layer to stay warm, right? That's why we make New Year's resolutions...

It's all fun and games until December 5th rolls around and we have the privilege of watching some of the world's most well-known supermodels strut their stuff down the runway. I created a drinking game for this fateful night last year, but I felt like it could use a few updates. I present to you: The 2016 Victoria's Secret Fashion Show Drinking Game.

Happy drinking, my friends.

Take a sip:

-When someone blows a kiss

-Every time you accuse a model of being unhealthy.

-For each weird thing Lady Gaga does.

-If you try to pretend the models aren't actually that pretty (they are).

-For every Swarovski crystal on the fantasy bra. I'm kidding—there are 27,000—please don't do that.

-Every time a model dances so awkwardly it hurts to watch.

Take a shot:

-When you realize some of the models are practically our age.

-Every time Gigi and Bella Hadid are ultimate #sistergoals.

-If you've listened to a Lady Gaga song from the past year (does she have any..?).

-If you are genuinely confused by a theme or outfit.

-If a model tries to be quirky and relatable.

-When you and your friends inevitably break out in song and dance as soon as Bruno Mars starts performing 24K Magic.

-If you start planning tomorrow's workout.

Finish your drink (and refill it immediately):

-When you remember the fantasy bra costs $3 million.

-When Bella and the Weeknd have to interact on the runway post-breakup (optional: take another when you imagine yourself and ex in that situation).

-Every time it looks like a model might topple over because her wings are so large.

-If you can't understand a model during a backstage interview due to her foreign af accent.

-When you realize Alessandra Ambrosio and Adriana Lima simply don't age.

-If you (probably drunk) cry at any point during the show.