As college students, we always run into #firstworldproblems. Small but frustrating situations, like not being able to eat chips while typing or your wine opener being MIA on #thirstythursday, happen on a regular basis.
Although utensils might seem to have one sole purpose (I’m looking at you, chopsticks), they are more versatile than they initially seem. Here are some unconventional ways to use your utensils, for food and…other things.
1. Chopsticks & Chips
I can safely assume you’ve gone through the pain of wanting to snack on a bag of chips while you’re typing on your computer or writing in your notebook. But either you get your notebook all greasy or you continue to be hangry as you try to stay awake to write that essay you had procrastinated on for the last month.
Chopsticks are the answer. All you need to do is master chopsticks (if you need help, click here). Simply reach into the bag and grab away. Greasy hand and arm problem solved. Enjoy your salty treats and grease-free computer keyboard. Good luck on that essay.
2. Knife & Wine
If you can’t find your bottle opener, but are desperate to open that bottle of Pinot Grigio, just reach for a knife and you’ll be on your way to tipsy-town. For a tutorial, watch the video above, or click here.
3. Spoon & Puffy Eyes
If you know you’re going to have a late night, but want to look refreshed in the morning, just pop two spoons in the freezer the night before, and place them over your eyes for a de-puffing effect.
In case you happened to have a little too much fun (wink, wink), let’s not forget the old hickie removal trick. Forget wearing a scarf tomorrow when it’s 70°F out, use the spoon trick.
4. Fork & …Hair?

GIF coutesy of
Take this tip from Ariel. Simply substitute a fork for a comb. If you ever have to fix your hair last-minute at the dinner table, then reach for the handy-dandy fork.
“I’ve got gadgets and gizmos aplenty.” We never thought Ariel was referring to her fork. Don’t blame us if there ends up being hair in your food, or your date decides to high-tail it out of there (did you get the Ariel pun?).
For more tips and tricks, check these out: