Well, it’s that time of year again, people — fall. Do you know what that means? Football, pumpkin spice, and bright autumn colors. But, one aspect of fall stands far above the rest. ABC’s Thank God It’s Thursday has returned. Shonda Rhimes has finally come out of hiding (AKA producing and directing her masterpieces) and blessed us with Thursday nights full of drama, deception, and steamy romance.
Since Thursdays have once again become the most important night of my week, I feel the need to incorporate my first favorite activity (watching TGIT) with my second favorite activity (drinking). So, what follows is a combination of two of my favorite things. Behold, the TGIT drinking game.
Disclaimer: This game is a pretty intense combination of alcohols. If you need a lighter version, you can drink just one alcohol (beer, wine, or my personal favorite, Mike’s Hard Lemonade) for the entirety of the game.
8-9 pm: Grey’s Anatomy

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In honor of the bad bitch that is Meredith Grey, we will drink her favorite hard alcohol: tequila. We know that tequila is a rough way to start the night, but we must obey the Grey’s way of life, which calls for tequila and dancing.
#SpoonTip: Have no fear because tequila will actually make you live longer.
Drink every time:
- A patient flat lines during surgery – Everyone must waterfall their drink until the patient stabilizes, or worst-case scenario, dies.
- Someone hooks up in an on-call room – All players drink once.
- We see a flashback to when Derek was alive – Everyone drink twice because RIP Derek Shepard.
- Bailey goes on a rant or gives a long inspirational speech – Cheers to Bailey, all players drink once. Without her, where would this hospital be?
- A dead character is mentioned (ex: Derek, Mark, etc.) – All players count to three and shout the name of the dead character they miss the most. Everyone who calls out the same character’s name drinks twice.
Finish your drink if:
- The girls dance away their pain, or, like you, are drinking tequila.
- Christina appears, which is unlikely because she wasn’t even there for Derek’s funeral (rude).
9-10 pm: Scandal

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We will continue to drink for our powerful female lead characters. To channel our inner Olivia Pope, it’s time to pop open a bottle of vino. If you’re not a fan of red, white is acceptable (just know that Kerry Washington would probably be ashamed of you).
#SpoonTip: For further dramatic effect, turn on some 70’s jazz in the background, or add some snacks by referencing snacks from your favorite TV Shows, or perhaps the ultimate guide to pairing wine with Ben and Jerry’s ice cream.
Drink every time:
- Olivia yells at someone – Drink once (because this happens a lot).
- A scene is shot through a window – Everyone must waterfall their drinks until the scene moves inside.
- Mellie’s hair is obnoxiously tall – Everyone drink twice, because Mellie is borderline unbearable.
- Olivia is carrying a Prada tote – Everyone drink twice, trying to drown your jealousy for Olivia’s life.
- Abby addresses the White House press room – Everyone drink once.
- Olivia and/or Fitz say, “Hi” – Everyone in the room pair off. Look deep into each other’s eyes and say “Hi.” First one to laugh drinks.
Finish your drink if:
- One of Fitz and Mellie’s kids appears (very unlikely, as it seems like they don’t even have children).
10-11 pm: How to Get Away with Murder

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By far the show with the longest title, but also the show that has been around for the shortest time. After only one season, this show is still in its beginning stages, which means full of drama, betrayal, and like the title says, murder.
In this midst of season 1, Annalise Keating goes on a bit of a bender, refusing to get out of bed or shower. That sounds like my kind of vacation. She also tosses back an unhealthy amount of vodka, so we will be finishing our drinking expedition, as well as TGIT, with the drink of the dragon lawyer lady: vodka.
#SpoonTip: If you hate the taste, try one of these combinations.
Drink every time:
- People have sex – If you’re surprised by the couple, all players drink twice. Not so surprised, drink once.
- Someone says “murder” – All players must yell “MURDER!” and the last player in the room to yell it takes a shot.
- You see the trophy – All players must drink twice.
- Wes is called “waitlist” – Each player must yell out a school at which they were at one point waitlisted. Never been on a waitlist? Drink.
- You are scared of Annalise – Everyone drink once. We don’t blame you, she is pretty scary.
- A student pitches a defense strategy – If it’s a good idea, drink once. If it’s a bad idea, drink twice.
- Someone does something extremely unethical (for a lawyer) – Everyone drink once.
- A historical court case is mentioned – The first player to correctly call out what year the case took place is exempt, everyone else must take a shot.
Finish your drink if:
- Annalise angrily scribbles on the classroom chalkboard.
- You want to punch Bonnie.
#SpoonTip: Sorry if at this point you’re too drunk to read this. To hold you over for next week, try the ultimate Friends drinking game, which goes great with any Netflix and chill. Until next Thursday, my friends.

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