
The Snacks You Need for Sorority Recruitment

This list is a life saver whether you are a PNM or on the chapter side of recruitment. Speaking as someone who has gone through rush as a PNM and almost three times as a member of the Greek community, I can say that these will be the longest days of your college career. I think you’ll find these snacks as helpful as I do during the grueling hours.

Banana chips

Photo by Mikaela Kearns

These are a great alternative to salty chips that could make you bloat.

Trail mix

Photo by Mikaela Kearns

The nuts will keep you full and you can also add some chocolate chips for a little sweet treat.

A meal replacement bar

Sometime there are rounds right through meal times with no breaks. A bar will keep you fed and you can eat it on the way to your next house.


Photo by Mikaela Kearns

The fiber will fill you up quickly. Just be careful to buy a brand that is low in sodium. Or just make it yourself.


Photo by Mikaela Kearns

This fresh fruit will hold up in your bag/backpack. Also, a boost of vitamin C is always helpful when you are shaking so many hands!

Water bottle

Stay hydrated or you will regret it. Good luck with recruitment!

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