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coffee latte

How to Turn Your Coffee into a Superfood

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Tulane chapter.

There are so many beautiful things about coffee — the loads of caffeine, the taste, the smell of it brewing, the loads of caffeine (again) — and it’s basically a hero during midterms. Now, it’s time to let your coffee do even more than just keep you awake for a few hours. By trying these tips, you can take your coffee from superhero to superfood.

Brew Some Mushroom Coffee


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I may have lost some of you, but hang with me. Made with the extract of medicinal mushrooms, this special type of coffee helps to support your metabolism, strengthen your immune system, and enhance your productivity (did I mention midterms were soon?). Not only that, but you also get an energy jolt without the annoying jitters.

Need more convincing? Urban Outfitters is selling it, which means hipsters everywhere must already be drinking it on the reg. If there is one thing we know about hipsters, it’s that they know their coffee. So what are you waiting for?

Use Green Coffee Powder


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Putting the word “green” before any food automatically means it’s healthy, right? Green coffee powder is no exception. Made from Arabica coffee beans that are unroasted and ground up, this powder has a subtle coffee taste and gives you that all-too-familiar buzz.

What makes it a superfood is that it is packed with antioxidants, which help prevent against aging and disease. And, just like with mushroom coffee, it boosts your metabolism (another slice of pizza, anyone?). You can have a lot of fun with green coffee powder by using it in this smoothie recipe or baking it into these brownies.

Add in a Touch of Tocos


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No, not “tacos.” Tocos is a dope superfood that is packed with vitamin D and E, which support healthy skin and muscle function. It is made out of stabilized rice bran, which is the outside of a rice kernel, that is turned into a powder.

While you’re probably imagining that it tastes like the epitome of every bad bran muffin you’ve ever eaten, it actually has a creamy vanilla taste, which begs the question — why add cream when you can get some Tocos and turn your cup of coffee into a powerhouse of vitamins? Just stir in a small spoonful to taste and marvel at your new coffee creation.

Sprinkle in Some Cinnamon


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If you aren’t feeling super adventurous, this one is for you. Simply adding in some cinnamon is an easy way to upgrade your coffee to superfood status. Are you ready for this? Cinnamon helps improve memory and increase your focus. Pair that with coffee and you’ll basically be bionic. Then all you need to do is make your coffee bulletproof.

With these superfood coffees on your side, nothing is going to stop you (we’re looking at you, midterms).


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Catch me at the gym watching the Food Network.