When I think about the best popular grocery stores in the United States, two immediately come into my head: Whole Foods, the organic-friendly mecca of clean eating, and Trader Joe’s, the charismatic and fun-loving grocery that feels more like a neighborhood playground than a store.
I love shopping at both stores, but I decided to look as objectively as possible at their plusses and drawbacks to determine which one comes out on top. Here is the breakdown:

Photo courtesy of daveynin via Flickr
Unfortunately for Whole Food’s, which is staffed by perfectly pleasant people, Joe’s has this category on lockdown with a staff so famously friendly it causes many to ask: “How can one group of people possibly be so happy all the time?” The answer is simple: Joe’s treats them well (and its fun decorations don’t hurt, either).
Winner: Trader Joe’s

Photo by Niab Mian
There is some discrepancy here. Overall, Trader Joe’s seems to win in this category, because most of its comparable products are much less expensive. As with anything in life, there are a few caveats, most notably bulk: nearly every Whole Foods has a self-serve section with everything from nuts and trail mix to chocolate chips and dates where you pay by the pound.
Winner: Trader Joe’s
Non-Grocery Extras

Photo by Bailey Culpepper
This is different for both stores. WF’s extras depend on the location, but they come in the form of gelato stands, hot meals, salad or juice bars – even an ice rink at one Austin location. Joe’s are based more on tradition, such as the hidden lobsters that can be found in every store or the bells they ring instead of using a PA system.
Winner: Tie

Photo by Emma Delaney
There’s a reason these stores are so popular: they sell the good stuff. You won’t find any artificial colors, flavors, sweeteners (including high fructose corn syrup) or trans fats in either. The organic movement wasn’t born in either of these stores, but they certainly helped it find its sea legs. No one has ever been called a health nut for shopping at Jewel.
Winner: Tie

Photo by Bailey Culpepper
Both groceries offer a vast range of products, with everything from bacon to exotic superfoods, but Whole Foods has much more brand variety than Trader Joe’s. Joe’s certainly sells other brands, but much of the store is populated with its own brand. That is not to say that this brand isn’t delicious, however. Which leads me to…
Winner: Whole Foods
Fan Base

Photo by Hannah Skiest
Joe’s fans are nuts. But in the best way possible. Lots of people really like Whole Foods, but they don’t literally sigh in happiness at the sound of a store’s name the way TJ’s fans do. I think this stems partly from the fact that the brand-name products are so good. Seriously. Every time I try something new, I’m blown away—and their name is right there on the packaging, sinking into my memory as I chew.
Winner: Trader Joe’s
Overall Winner: Trader Joe’s
After careful analysis, it is clear that the fun, pirate-themed Trader Joe’s ekes out just above Whole Foods. Both carry quality products, but there is a reason TJ’s fans are so fervent: their homey environment cannot be matched. Plus, they carry the best snacks in the entire world, and what do we like more in college than to snack?